Brothers | Teen Ink


October 29, 2018
By 9cerny SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9cerny SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m the melody. I take strings and shape them like butterflies. The soft and sweet flow of butterflies. I am the tune you have stuck in your head. The tune that makes you want to listen again. I’m like the leaves of a tree. The leaves that take sunshine to create fuel for the song. I’m the smiling picture in your head when you hear the offbeat. I’m like the roof of a house that keeps our instruments dry.

Sebastian is the bass. He takes the music and fills it with his essence. He bolds the notes with thick strings. He is the roots of the song. Like the heart that pumps life into each note. He is the fearless concrete base you build skyscrapers on.

Nick is the beat. He makes the brothers sound like one. Like the brain that coordinates the music. He’s a conductor that doesn't use a baton. He’s the trunk of the tree and the branches that reach out and keep the music flowing. The steel beams that support a building. The structure of music that we can’t play without.

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