Shoes | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By DJG123 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
DJG123 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All of our shoes tell who we are. My athletic shoes smell like sweat, look like a long day. They are given breaks every now and then because they work so hard, and replaced with new ones. They are torn apart, laces ripped up, holes in the soles, but they do the job. Even though the shoes are beaten, dirty, and shredded, they still work, and they still work better than a brand new pair.

My moms heels are loud and “bossy.” They are the late night job calls and the early morning work route. They work the entire day, but that heel won’t break. It’s the most drawn out, durable heel around, all because of the strength inside the heel. You can almost taste the leather heel burning from the friction on the ground due to the scattering.

But my dad, my dad has two pairs of shoes. He has his boots, and he has his dress shoes. His boots are what show his true personality. His boots are like the dirt from the backyard. Always coming inside smelling and dirty. But those boots are steel toe, they can take drops of hammers and kicks of corners, they won’t budge. They stay strong and clean up nice. Just like his dress shoes. The dress shoes are up at 5 a.m. every morning going to work. Trying to find a new place to step every day, but keeping clean at the same time. All these shoes tell who we are.

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