Blue Eyes | Teen Ink

Blue Eyes

October 24, 2018
By sportygirl SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
sportygirl SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody in our family has blue eyes. As blue as the ocean. As blue as the sky on a sunny day. As blue as fresh blueberries. Even my grandparents possess this trait. Because of this, our family stands out.

Me and my dad’s eyes are similar. We have the same shade of blue, and have lashes like spider legs, long and black. My sisters get jealous because they don’t have lashes like us. If you were to look, you can find a warm breeze of wind as the sun wakes up from the night. A bright, brisk, and beautiful shade of blue.

There’s something calming about looking into my family’s eyes. They remind me of vacationing in Florida, floating in the blue water. Feeling like the ocean is giving me a hug...relaxing my mind and body. They are active throughout the day, and lazy at night.

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