Eyes | Teen Ink


October 24, 2018
By bonehead44 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
bonehead44 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eyes can be said to be the tunnel to our soul, showing our true colours. I am the one in the family with eyes like the sky, beautiful bright breezy blue eyes. While my mom she has eyes like glossy wood, bashful brave brilliant brown eyes. Also my dad has eyes like a shining car, great gleaming gorgeous grey eyes. Blue eyes, an open ocean. Brown eyes, a never ending forest. Grey eyes a strobe light at a concert.

My parents eyes are wide like the countryside, they have seen more than me. Compared to me where my eyes are narrow like a street in Italy, I haven’t seen barely as much as they have. My parents say my blue eyes symbolizes the bravery in our family, my moms brown eyes symbolizes the courage in our family and my dads grey eyes symbolizes the strength in our family.

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