Bad Luck at The Hospital | Teen Ink

Bad Luck at The Hospital

October 23, 2018
By nwaugh21 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
nwaugh21 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
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                                           Bad Luck at The Hospital 
Once upon a time, I was at a baseball tournament and my knee started hurting. My mom took me to our family doctor, then the family doctor sent me to sports medicine center, after that, sports medicine center put me on crutches for about 3 weeks. Then It didn’t get any better, so I got an MRI done at a different hospital, Geisinger down in Danville and we saw that the cartilage in my knee was torn.

First, the doctor at Geisinger said that I needed surgery on the Friday coming up which was in 3 days! I got very nervous and almost cried. Friday came up and I missed school that day. I got into a different Geisinger building and I sat in the waiting room extremely nervously, I sat in the waiting room watching YouTube for about 15 minutes and then they call me back. I finally get back there, and they sat me down in the hospital bed. I sat there for about a half an hour. After that, they had me drink medicine that made me forget everything that happened, so I didn’t remember them taking me back to the surgery room.

Then, they then put me to sleep, my dad said that I tried to take a picture of e and my best friend back in the surgery room, and I was acting very weird, he also said that I was trying to stick my head through the rail on the bed, and I almost fell off the bed. When I woke up my leg was numb, and I was very tired. The doctors saw that I was awake, so they got my mom and my dad from the waiting room, and my mom said, “how are you feeling?” 
 I said, “I feel really dizzy.” 

 My dad said, “we were in the waiting room for three hours.” They waited for the doctors to ask me some questions and then we got out of the hospital and we got some McDonalds. We went home, and I fell asleep on the couch right away. When I woke up my leg was still numb for almost 3 days, when the numbness finally wore off my leg hurt a lot, and I took some of the medicine that the doctor prescribed me for my pain. It didn’t help very much, so I took some Ibuprofen instead. I was in so much pain I was afraid to take off my cast. 

I was in a wheelchair for 6 weeks, and after that I was in crutches for 4 weeks, then I went to physical therapy for 8 weeks. Then my knee started hurting again about 5 months after physical therapy, my knee started hurting again. I thought I would need surgery again. I became happy once I heard the good news that I wouldn’t need surgery again. But I was told that I had to wear a brace for 3 weeks. Then I was kind of sad. But it’s all good, I don’t need surgery again. 

The author's comments:

My personal expirence from the time I got surgerey.

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