The Thing I Carry | Teen Ink

The Thing I Carry

October 18, 2018
By Bram BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
Bram BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I pressed the power button with a firm hard grip. The button resisted until it could no more. The old computer wheezed to life and the monitor slowly turned from a dark black to a light blue. The disc in the computer swirled and the desktop to the computer slowly faded in. With a loud explosion like a thunderbolt the computer began to load the application. My Dad and I began to smirk as we got ready to play together from sunup to sundown.

Me and my father played all day, having fun on the ancient computer. While in the room I notice just how dirty it was but at the same time beautiful.  The sunlight cutting through the blinds casted an array of light through the room. The room held a constant odor of old spice and wet dog, and the confusing aroma ended like a brick wall at the edge of the doorway. The desk where the computer sat was a cluster of miscellaneous items stacked on eachother. Lying around the desk was a scrapyard of old computers, keyboards and radios. I look back to the computer and see a mass of red dots encircling my father. The small mapin the top right of the screen showed a tidal wave of red dots zooming at his singular white dot. Out of every corner of the map hundreds of enemies incircle my father, closing the few gaps that were in the formation. All seems to be lost as the monsters came into view of the main screen. All armed to the teeth and staring my dad down. As more came into view the sight of my dad became blocked by the enemy forces.

His eyes light up like a kid at the candy store. His mouth agape as he took in the surreal image. His right hand moving on the mouse as fast as light. Then disappear as he starts to loss his health. He starts to move faster now, typing on the keyboard commands. With a pounding of the keys the commands take no effect as the enemy closes in around him. He shrieks in terror as he sees his dreams crash in front of him. He frantically looks for an escape, but to no avail. Distraught his eyes linger on the screen the words piercing into him the dark blackness engulfing two words. Main Menu?

I jump in front of the computer a start the game again determined to avenge my father. The same spot my dad had died I stand and wait for the enemies. After taking them all and winning I had done what what my dad had been trying for hours to do. My dad looked amazed at how I had won and for a long time silence fell over the room. With a sense of accomplishment my father and I felt that we changed the world.Out eyes wide with amazement. The room still and silent, no sound at all accept the computer fan buzzing. The sunlight casting light through the blinds of the window. The room was a bright orange as the sun slowly fell under the horizon.

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