The Christmas Turkey Dinner | Teen Ink

The Christmas Turkey Dinner

October 4, 2018
By SMainer6 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
SMainer6 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was Christmas time, in the year 2006  and I just turned six. Approximately of the family tree was invited to Grandma’s homey, tan, brick house.  I looked forward to Christmas at Grandma’s house. Fun, festive and delicious food… Playing her pinball machine, was my favorite.  Her cathedral ceilings made her home feel like a fancy mansion, and her cooking scent made me feel happy.

Entering Grandma’s house, I felt joy, relief, happiness, My other cousins came along as well to Grandma’s, and while Grandma was making the food, I either played with my games I brought with to the house, or I hang out with my Cousins.  When the time came to eat, my mom grabbed the food for me, Corn, buns, jello, but most importantly, the Christmas turkey.

I ate it up, with some help from Mom and I felt the juices from the turkey filling in my mouth, which made it delicious. The Turkey I was eating, before my mom and dad considered it to be done for me, so I went and played with the pinball machine, stuffed from the food.

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