Spelling Test | Teen Ink

Spelling Test

April 27, 2018
By Anonymous

Spelling Test
Today was going to be an excellent day because It was Friday.  I knew what that meant in Mrs. Beekman’s class- A Spelling Test!  Usually, spelling was my strength so I was pretty pumped to ace it.  I had been studying all week with my mom and she and I were confident that I was ready to spell those challenging words.  Except, there was a slight twist.
Our room was filled vibrant colors, picture books, pencil boxes, art tools, and many other items that would be relevant for the first grade.  Also, I remember a wall that the split the classroom in half because it was made up of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders.  Mrs. Beekman worked with the younger kids and Mr. O’callahan with the 3rd graders.  However, none of those things distracted me from the pink paper word list that would change my life from that day forward.
We had been studying hard for the spelling test all week.  I knew I was going to do well on it.  As Mrs. Beekman was about to start reading the words one of my buddies whispered my name, ”Andrew!”
“Dude, the list is right in front of you.”
“Yeah, so?”
“Well, what are you waiting for?”
Don’t do it, I tried saying in my head, but it was too late.  I was scrambling the words down on my list in a hot mess hurry.  What I didn’t notice was that Mrs. Bekman signaled Mr O'callaghan on the other side of the room that I was looking suspicious.  Suddenly, I spotted Mr. O stomping his way to our side of the room.  I tried hiding the pink slip, but it was too late.  Mr. O already had laid his hand on my shoulder.
“Andrew, come to my desk, we need to have a little discussion.”
My heart fell to the floor.  Tears swelled up and my cheeks became as red as an apple.  Everyone stared at me with their eyes wide and whispers spread throughout the room.  I trudged over to his desk.  It felt like there was sticky notes all over my back that read “cheater.”  Then I heard the whole class in unison,“Ooooooooh”  I was already crying by that point.  Hopefully, I wasn’t in too much trouble.
“Why did you decide to make this choice, Andrew?” he asked.
Through sniffling and sobbing, I just stood there with my head tilted down not wanting to speak.
“I don’t know.”
Mr. O clasped his hands together. “You know, if your classmates tell you to do something that doesn’t feel right, you don’t have to do it.”
It was like he read my mind!  I just didn’t want to rat them out.
I was starting to realize what had happened and why I made that devilish choice.
“Yeah, It was because of that”
“Well, If I catch you doing it again, you’ll automatically receive a 0. Got it?”
“Yes Mr. O.”
Ever since this experience I haven’t cheated on one single test.  Just know that if you’re being pushed to do something that feels uncomfortable, you can simply say, no.

The author's comments:

In class we were doing a writing invitation on Growing Up Stories and this one popped into my mind.

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