Night Adventures | Teen Ink

Night Adventures

December 14, 2016
By Anonymous

My first time going out at night a friend picked me up from my house at 7:30 PM. We were going to a movie, and I was suppose to be home at 11:00 PM.

He came inside to introduce himself to my parents, and he asked, “Do your dogs bite?”

Before I could answer, my dad shouts, “Only if you touch my daughter!”

My parents looked at him directly in the eye to scare him and told him to be respectful and act like a gentleman.
Leaving my house, I mention to him, “Don’t be scared... I’ve never gone out before and my parents are overprotective.”

After driving down the dark, quiet road, we decided to go and get a snack, even if that meant being late for the movie. He is not the best driver in the world, swerving through the lanes like a racetrack and stopping at the last second when there was a stop sign. We made it to Starbucks, getting a couple of iced drinks because it was too humid to get a hot drink. Recklessly driving to the theater, we found a parking spot at the back of the lot, forcing us to run. Walking into the crowded, over-sized theater, we made it at the perfect time; missing the boring previews about cartoon dogs is the best.

The movie ended at 10:45 PM. The theater was twenty minutes away from my house; I was panicked at the fact that I was going to be home later than expected. As we are driving on Route 12, a person in a mini-van approached us in the next lane. Looking in our direction, he waved his arm out of the window, scaring the crap out of us.

We decided to finally roll down my window, and I hear him say, “You forgot to turn on your headlights!”
After that event, all you could hear was laughter. I looked at the clock in the car, it showed 11:01 PM, meaning I was late arriving home.

I, being the bright person I am, state, “Let’s go to Dunkin Donuts, since I am late anyways.”

He agrees, carelessly hurrying to get to the nearest Dunkin Donuts. We get our donuts, and this sophomore decided to FaceTime us. It was dark in the car, and we could barely hear her; my friends phone’s speakers projected a muffled sound the entire time.

All I heard was her screaming, “You’re full of crap... I asked you if you wanted to go out the other day... You are the meanest person in the world. Fine! I’ll ask someone else out!”

I can hear my friend mumbling to himself in the background. His
His phone ran out of power. Both of our eyes popped out, yet laughed the rest of the way to my house.
We make it to my house; the clocked ticked and showed the time: 11:17 PM.

“I had such a fun night tonight!” I said.

“Me too!” He said, sounding exhilarated, “Hope you’re not going to get in trouble.”

“Not getting in trouble is not an option,” I replied.

Not making a noise to get from my driveway to the front door was a difficult task. Dry leaves can be easily stepped on, the automatic lights turn on, and my dogs bark whenever they hear something happening; I set myself to a task that would be difficult to complete. Practically crawling to the door, somehow not making any noise, I punch in the code, hoping to rush into my room, but instead see my parents sitting by the front door

The author's comments:

What I hope people get from this leice is to have fun, but don't stay out after curfew 

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