Empire State | Teen Ink

Empire State

December 14, 2016
By CharlieFlan BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
CharlieFlan BRONZE, Morristown, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

4:00 PM

“Charlie hurry up! We’re going to miss the train!”
I’m still upstairs in my room. I get my bag packed and rush downstairs.
“Ok I’m ready now. What time is the train?”
“15 Minutes!”
“We better get moving!”

We rush out the door and I start at the train station. We are only about a quarter of a mile away from the it, but we still need to get food and buy tickets. It's so exciting getting to go back to New york. The Big Apple. This is the third time in the last three weeks that I've gone, and every time another adventure happens. This time it's Me, Darah and Lily. Two of my best friends. I haven’t seen you them in months. I think of what we are going to be doing.

“Charlie! Stop daydreaming! We are about to miss it!” I rush to Rachel's side. Suddenly I get a text. It reads “What about karaoke?” It's Darah. We have been talking about what we will be doing all day and all I write back is “Yes.” Both Darah and Lily live in the city so they know all of the best places.

We get on the train and look for seats. Finally we found one but then an announcement comes over the speaker,
“Hello everyone, unfortunately we will be having at least one hour delays on the portal bridge. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

I just stare at Rachel and we start laughing.

After two hours of train and waiting, we finally arrive at Penn Station. Everyone is so busy. There is policemen and soldiers from the military. I think “It's only a week following the recent train station bomb.” At least that's what I hope. We leave the station and I look up and turn around and see Madison Square Garden. It's Huge. Ginourmus. I text Lily and ask for her address. It's the first time I've been to her apartment.

“Oh it's only a few blocks away.” We walk there and we are crossing the street when I hear a loud honk. It's a beat up tan car. They ran the red light and almost hit everyone crossing. We run across as fast as possible. I start to look for addresses and I see it. It's huge. I ring the bell and ask for the “Haus House.” The walls are painted with a color that reminds me of bubble gum. The floor is wood with carpet. I walk up to her apartment and once again. It's huge. One of the rooms is the size of my basement. Me and Lily walk up stairs.

“So we really want to go to karaoke”
“Karaoke. Please.”
“Ugh fine.” We both laugh and wait for Darah to arrive.

Finally we hear the door ring. I haven't seen Darah in months. I hug her but it's already time for dinner. We call for a cab. Then realize we don't have anywhere to go. We call different places asking if you can go in without adult supervision. There is none. We could only find one place that was “Kid friendly”. We arrived and the place couldn't have been more sketchy. It was a beat up building with broken stairs and 1 working elevator. Luckily when we went inside, it was a really cool place. We ordered dinner and got shown to the room. We play some classics like “All By Myself”, “I Will Always Love You”

And Justin Bieber's “Baby”. Then It was time to go. It was almost ten and we decided to walk home. We were going home when we passed the empire state building then decided, “Yeah it's a good idea to go to the top about now.” We took off the balloons we got from the karaoke place and left them in the cubbies. We bought the tickets and started the climb.

The elevator was creepy. It was one of the old ones that were run by a crank and a man had to do it. Darah said “Oh boy.” Then we found out her irrational fear of elevators. So did the elevator operator. He then started saying “Woah” as he slowly dropped us down. Luckily it was a joke but it didn't stop us from being scared. Once we got to the top we all started cracking jokes. I remember the beautiful views that there were. You could see everywhere in New York and even some parts of New Jersey. I remember us all looking for people's houses and schools and it's an experience I wouldn't trade for anything.

The author's comments:

This piece was about an experience I had in New York City. 

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