Uncle J.L's Farm | Teen Ink

Uncle J.L's Farm

December 11, 2016
By Anonymous

“Uncle J.L.’s Farm”

“C’mon Aaron! We’re gonna be late!”

“I know, it’s just I can’t find my shoes anywhere!” I frantically run to my room to find my shoes, but only find toys scattered all over the place. It was a complete mess, but secretly, I liked it that way. I looked in every nook and cranny that I might have thrown my shoe into, but there was no sign of a shoe anywhere. Panicking, I ran downstairs to see my orange and black tennis-shoes, hiding beneath our couch. “Found my shoes, they were hiding under the couch!”

“Ok, now come quickly! We don't have all day!”

We were driving to the airport, hoping to get on a plane and leave before 7:00 A.M. Our destination was across the sea to our Uncle J.L’s farm in Kansas. I traveled a lot, so this wasn't exactly a life changing plane ride for me. On the plane to Kansas I thought about what snow would look like since we were traveling to Kansas in December. I have never seen snow since we lived in Namibia, a bordering country to South Africa. I couldn't think of anything cooler than snow, it would be so awesome to feel the cool sensation of it on my fingers and body. Before I knew it, we entered the United States of America. We landed in Georgia, and continued our flight to Kansas. Not to mention I had to sit for 15 hours, my 6 year old body could hardly sit for more than 30 minutes without jumping up and running around. I went to the bathroom a lot in the plane, just so I could stand up and walk around. It was about 6:00 P.M when we got off the plane, we had arrived in Kansas!

When we walked off the plane, I could hardly contain myself; I was bursting with excitement. As our family walked, we saw them, our Uncle and Aunt, waiting patiently for us to arrive. I ran as fast as I could to my Uncle and Aunt and gave them a massive hug.

“Oh, you’ve grown so much!”
I knew I grew; the last time my Aunt saw me I was an infant. I responded with “Yes, and you have grown so much too!”

An outburst of laughter came from my Aunt, she was 54 years old. We got our bags off the conveyer belt and headed to my Uncle J.L.’s farm. On the car ride I saw my first glimpse of snow, falling gracefully from a white cloud above. This made me jump, and I quickly said “Sarah! Look! Its snow!”

“Woah! That is awesome!” Sarah couldn't believe what she was seeing. Either could I, it was  amazing!
When we got to our Uncle’s farm, we were greeted with large open areas, and a massive luxurious house in the center of the farm. Our family got our bags and went to our new home for the next two days. “I can’t wait to check this place out!” I said.

“Yeah! Me too, it’s going to be so much fun riding tractors and playing hide and seek in the snowy wheat fields!” Sarah and I walked into the humongous two story house amazed by the twinkling Christmas tree and decorations. The house was very spacious and welcoming, and there was a tempting aroma coming from the kitchen. The smell lured me in, and before I knew it I was snacking on scrumptious brownies. After stuffing my belly I went out of the house to be shocked by the cold temperature. I quickly ran back inside and grabbed a coat, gloves, and sweatpants, then ran outside for a second time. The air was frigid and uncomfortable, but I didn’t care. I ran to the swing-set and played with my sister until we spotted a huge tree that hung down and created a dome. When we walked inside the tree we felt warm and immediately comfortable. Sarah spotted some old toy trucks and a few balls, we weren’t the first people to discover the inside of the tree. Titus walked out of the house and started to call us over. We decided to wait, and at the right time we jumped out of the tree and both said “Boo!” Titus was startled but quickly recovered and tried to blow it over
“I was not scared!” Titus exclaimed.
“Be quiet, you were to!” Me and Sarah settled down and asked Titus what he called us for.

“I wanted to see if you want to play a game! Then you jumped out of a tree and scared me half to death!” Titus cleared his throat and started again. “I call it hide from the monster, since it is getting dark, I saw it fitting that we would play a scary game. I am the monster, and you too are the hiders. Your goal is to hide from me and If I tag you, you are out!” Titus started to count down from ten. “Ten, nine, eight, seven…” Titus’ voice drifted off as I ran as fast as I could to the wheat fields and hid there for what seemed like hours. I could hear Sarah yell in the distance, and then saw her and Titus run past me towards the house. Phew, close one, I thought. By now it was very dark and hard to see anything, so I started to worry because I think Titus can find me in the dense wheat and snow. I don’t even know If I can find our house! I look around worried and scared only to find barren lands with no humans anywhere, I ran a bit too far. I wonder, and wonder, then I see it!  A light in the distance, hope rises as I sprint towards the light I see a tractor and a relatively old man driving it. My voice shaking because of the cold I ask, “e-excuse me sir, I-I’m lost.” The man is very surprised when he turns around and so was I, it was my uncle J.L.!

“Aaron? Thank goodness you are safe, your mother was worried sick! You could have been hurt out there, maybe worse!” Uncle J.L. was my savior, and I couldn’t thank him more for helping me.

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