How I Got My Stitch | Teen Ink

How I Got My Stitch

October 31, 2016
By Anonymous

I was carving the pumpkin when BAM!!!!! Out of nowhere I yelled and screamed. I stabbed myself in my hand, carving an EVIL pumpkin. It didn’t hurt much but it felt bad.

 I went to a hospital for my injury. The hospital was an ok place but it wasn’t overly nice. It had a nice waiting area. A few hours later …

I am in the hospital watching the movie Bolt. I didn’t get to finish the movie before the doctors moved me. The Doctors moved me to a room that didn’t have a darn remote with the stupid fast forward button. Instead of finishing the movie Bolt, I just watched an Avengers TV show and waited for the clear gel pain killer to fully soak into my body.

I sat in the room and was thinking of how small it seemed. There were cabinets on both sides of me and they probably had healing instruments in them.

The pain killer finally soaked in. The Doctor came in, and told me to look away while they cut my skin to put the stitch in. I don’t know how to describe the feeling. It felt weird and funny and strange and a lot of other things, but it didn’t hurt. 

Once I was finished getting my stitch, we were sent to a waiting area.  We had to wait until they brought our car up.  After they brought the car up, I walked to it and was yawning like crazy. I fell asleep instantly when we got into the car. I don’t remember the car ride to or from the E.R. because I was asleep in the car the whole time.

The next day I skipped school because I was up so late the last night. My mom said I could skip the next day of school and sleep in. It was only a half day the next day, otherwise I would have went to school later that day.

A few weeks afterwards I went to the Doctor. He said that my healing was done. I got my stitch out and it didn’t hurt one tiny bit.

In the end I learned that carving pumpkins can be painful. I also realized NEVER PUT YOUR HAND IN A PUMPKIN WHILE CARVING IT. Now I know, and that is how I got my stitch.

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