Missing Flight | Teen Ink

Missing Flight

October 31, 2016
By aharmon13 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
aharmon13 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We were sprinting off the plane. I was running so fast that I felt like I was going to fall face first. After I looked at the time I knew we weren’t going to catch our connection flight. My mom and I were running off the plane and my two aunts were way behind us. We were going to wait for our aunts but at this point we just have to run as fast as we can. We just found out that we had missed our plane.

The people at the airport told us that we have to get onto a shuttle to get to the other side of the airport, but we had to wait in line because there were other people that had to go on it too. We finally got to the part of the airport that we had to be at, it was where our connection flight was. We took our luggage and we just flew. My aunts were kinda behind of my mom and I because they had more luggage to worry about.  That meant that we would get there first.

“Do you want me to run up to the gate and see if they have left yet” I asked my mom.

“No because they wouldn’t wait for other people” Replied my mom.  By the time that we actually got there the plane had already taken off. We missed our connection flight. “Well I have some news and the plane had already taken off” I told everyone.

My aunt just rolled her eyes and she threw her bag to the ground. We all went to the customer service desk.Once I saw how long this line was for the customer service desk I knew we were going to be here for a while so my aunt and I we just sat down because we weren’t going to wait in the line with my aunt and my mom. I was really hungry and thirsty and it was 10:00 at night so of course all the restaurants weren’t open. But luckily my aunt had a Ginger Ale in her carryon fromthe plane. She gave me that. I was so bored because I had nothing to do. I was searching through my huge bag and I mostly see wrappers because I was eating a lot candy.  I found my spirograph that I got at a mall in Seattle. I did that for a while.


My aunt was officially  done at the customer service desk. They gave us tickets for a different flight. It was to Kalamazoo.  We had to find the gate number for that flight. It was on the other side of the airport. We had time to get there. It’s not going to start boarding till 11:45 so we had about an hour to do anything.

We found the gate and there were not that many people down there. We found 4 open seats to sit in. I was really thirsty so I just remembered that I had my Ginger Ale. Well I was thinking about how thirsty I was and I guess I forgot it by the customer service desk. I was not going to go get it because then I would have to walk the whole airport basically. I guess I have to wait until we get onto the plane.

We have been waiting here for about 30 minutes and then all of a sudden on the microphone they say “This flight has been delayed until 8:00 tomorrow morning.”

After that had been said all I heard is “dang it”, “oh my god” and  “are you kidding me” . We went back to the customer service.

They gave us a couple options, we could spend the night at the airport and wait for the Kalamazoo flight, wait for the next flight out to Grand Rapids which the next one is  at 5:00 at night or we could rent a car and just drive home. We had to deeply think about thisWe decided to just rent a car. We had to take a bus to the car rental place. And we were the only people on that bus. The bus driver was a terrible driver. He was speeding and just driving crazy. But oh well. It was about a 15 minute drive to the car rental place.


We arrived at the car rental place. There was a long line because a lot of flights got canceled because of the horrible  weather Chicago was having. But we had to stand in the line anyway. When we got there the first thing I saw was a vending machine. I had to get something to drink because I was dying of thirst.  My mom gave me money to go get something to drink. I got a Sprite because that’s my all time favorite drink. We were next in line. I was very happy that we were next because I just wanted to get a car and drive home.

The lady told us that we could either get a Beetle or a Chevy. We picked a Chevy because we have all of our luggage and that would not fit into that car. We walked outside in the breezy weather and found our car.
We put everything in there and we took off for home. Everyone was really hungry so we wanted to stop somewhere and get something to eat. But we wanted to drive for a while. It was officially 12:00 and we haven’t stopped yet.

Well we finally found a Mcdonalds and we got some fries and a drink. We got back in town and my aunt dropped us off. My heart was beating so fast. I was so excited to see my dog Jake. I was glad that I was finally back home! I realized that no matter what happens that is bad you will always have a great story to tell to everybody.

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