First Jump | Teen Ink

First Jump

October 26, 2016
By st-008422 BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
st-008422 BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I might sound like a boring person not risking anything, but this was the day that changed it. Marching down from the group A cafeteria i could still taste the spicy hot ramen in my mouth. It would be a mental pain for me to get back into those boats. As I approached the shore and already felt this was going to be a bad idea. Yet we have no choice. As the wave hits my foot I have horrible flashbacks to the first hour of rafting. Shivers go down my spine. I grabbed my paddle and got in the boat. By sitting sitting down on the rubbery boat, I already felt the cold feeling coming back to me. So many People were so eager to jump in the water. They are so weird. The first part of this trip was horrible enough, but no we have to suffer even more. Everyone settled in the boat and we took off to wherever this river takes us.

“1,2,1,2,1,2…” The person in the front would try scream . It felt like an eternity since we got into this boat. As much as I enjoyed the company and the songs we came up with and the breathtaking view, the weather ruined it all. The special pants, swimsuit, shirt, and a ‘waterproof” jacket didn’t protect me from the ice cold breeze and rain. The beautiful turquoise water looked so unrealistic and yet it was  so cold. My hands felt numb as people were screaming at me to paddle faster. Don’t they not feel the same pain as I do? My eyes nearly shutting down of tiredness. I just couldn’t paddle anymore. My arms felt detached from my body. I felt my eye close, but as soon as I did that I heard the roar from another boat that shook me. People from our boat were already deciding who is jumping on which boat. Janna and I looked at each other and we agreed not to push each other in. When I am this cold, the last thing I want to do is get into the water, which is probably also ice cold. The instructor strictly doesn't let us jump in the water because there were rapids ahead of us. 


I relax and go back to effortless paddling. This is getting boring. Splash. A wave covers our boat and i think everyone felt the little drops of acid water. Why? Why do we have to do rafting in this weather. Do the teachers want us to suffer? Half of this trip I was praying for the weather to get better, but it did no help, God didn't hear my prays. As we passed the rapids, I realized that our boat is going to be sabotaged soon. I heard another splash behind me.

“The war is starting” I thought in my mind.

A boat approached to the side I was sitting on. I had to think fast or else i get dragged down to the death of me. I dropped my paddle in the middle of the boat and switched sides. Oh heck no am I going in that Titanic water. From side to side was I moving from the front of the boat to the back, escaping the touch of the water. The fear for touching the water suddenly went away. As i see the other having a blast jumping from boat to boat and in the water willingly, yet I couldn’t recognize if the people were screaming or laughing.

“I mean it must be fun, no no no, but the water will kill you!” I thought to myself. Whatever, I have to take this risk. “Paddle closer to the Saint Pete’s I’m jumping” I exclaim standing up. When we get closer to the Saint Pete's boat I jump and just not quite make it. I felt like Mufasa from the Lion King falling for his death. One of their students shoves me right into the water. When I made contact with the water I  realized that there is no way back, no way to hold on. My mind goes blank and my eye shut. I couldn't move, I was absolutely numb for about 5 seconds. The glacial water pierced me with daggers. I feel that now the lake is the predator and I’m the half frozen pray. I kept my self buoyant and looked around gasping for cold breezy air.

I felt like the earth around me stopped and it was just me in the turquoise lake in the middle of Altai river. Just my body floating there. Why am I in Siberia first of all? Oh right I go to AAS. I never expected to be that cold. I get on the Saint Pete’s boat and go to the front “I’m on your team now” I say. “Nope” i hear someone say and throw me back into the death lake. The pain comes back. I was in between boats and started to swim toward my original one. The current was so strong my hard kicking got me nowhere just looking stupid waving my arms all over the place. My boat was moving forward.

I wanted to scream for help, but the ice waters wave gripped me around neck not letting me say a sound. With every move I made in the water the pain got worse and worse. This scene reminded me like from an action film. People attacking other boats and me going trough the pain in slow motion trying to get to safety. When I finally get dragged in my own boat I start feeling the adrenaline pump in my blood. More, I need more revenge. Now I was a predator ready to push off anyone in my way. I sit in front of the boat with a couple other people and feel the breeze hit my face. Once again out of nowhere the wild animal inside me wakes up and I started pushing one pray after the other. Yet once again the instructor doesn't let us push anyone in for another few minutes. I go back to my paddling and starting out with eyes reading no emotions. I did something I never thought I would do and I enjoyed it.  I go to the front of the boat and feel so blessed for taking this risk or else I would’ve really hated this activity when now it was the most bright memory.

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