The Day I Got Adopted | Teen Ink

The Day I Got Adopted

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

The time I got adopted was a very emotional day, because I thought it would never happened. The reason why it was emotional day was because I have been from foster home to foster home with my 2 brothers Ronnie and Markie. I also thought that my brothers and I were going to get split up, because some people only wanted me or they would only want my brothers and that wasn’t gonna happen cause I was always taking care of them for their whole lives. So they didn’t know about anyone else taking care of them, but me. Thats when the CPS lady put us with our adopted mom know. Our mom has had some many foster kids in her house before and sibling groups that this wasn’t new to her. One day we were eating our food and she just watched me eat my food and she notices that I was eating until Ronnie and Markie were done with theirs and with that she knew that I was the one taking care of them and she knew that she had to adopted us cause if we went back I would be still taking care of them. On the adoption day we saw my Aunt Connie and my older brother Wesley cause he was getting adopted by my aunt. When that day was over she gave us our food and she just stood there a watched me eat again and I still wouldn’t eat until Markie and Ronnie wasn’t done, so she came up to me told me that I can eat and I don’t have to take care of them anymore. That was the most emotional part cause I felt love when she said that and that I can relax and take care of myself and not have to worry anymore about something happening to them.

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This article has 1 comment.

Mariogreen2 said...
on Nov. 2 2016 at 1:19 pm
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This is a great story and its really emotional! If you remember describe the foster home and area yo got adopted from.