Should I Do This | Teen Ink

Should I Do This

October 26, 2016
By Darialegostaeva BRONZE, Moscow, Alabama
Darialegostaeva BRONZE, Moscow, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Shock hit my body. It felt like I was paralyzed. My teeth chattered when I was thrown into the numbing cold river of Altai. The next thing I knew was I needed to get out of the river right this second or else I would not survive. It all started with us being in Siberia; it was a school adventure that were about to embark on. An adventure that only the eighth graders got to go on.

Today was the rafting day. I was excited until I woke up and looked out the window. With rain pouring down outside there, was nothing good to hope for. Not only rain ruined my morning but, the wind did as well, with its cold Siberian breeze that would hit you with chills each time.

We were driven out to where the rafts were, somewhere near our camp.  Next, we had to put on these sandy wetsuits and thin raincoats that were soggy already, which means it will not keep me warm at all. The weather condition we were given: it was horrendous, rain and wind, cold that would travel all throughout your body and make it senseless . It is like the devil has cursed the weather, and it was the day we were going rafting. I was already regretting everything. I knew that there is no way on earth I would get into that vicious river that frightened me with its quick current and its rushing rapids.

I was numb, shivering and tired, after two hours of intense teamwork and counting one, two, one, two, to keep a steady pace. Now I had to to get back in that river. No, never and why are the only three words that ran through my mind. Well there was an option, I thought to myself, it is to go on the no splash boat, but I couldn't go there it was a one in a lifetime opportunity to do this with my friends, I can not miss this. I kept on thinking about my decision, the thought of the river and me being thrown in just boggled me. Should I do it, or should I not was the only thing that was in my head. This was it. I got myself together. I forgot about how numb and cold I was and climbed up on the raft. Honestly there was nothing to lose either because I was insensible, soaking wet, my feet numb and was ready for anything in other words ready to conquer the world.

It started out nice no pushing no splashing but once we passed the rapids it was it. The war between the rafts has begun. The river was a glacier, cold icy and strong. I was frightened, the feeling of conquering the world was gone, lost pushed away in the corner by the thoughts of being pushed in. My body felt weak, like it couldn't do it anymore it was giving up slowly. The energy was draining out of me. Was it the right decision to go on this raft or not. I made sure I held on tight, my feet firmly secured under the rope and my life vest buckled tightly, so if I fall off the raft I will not sink to the bottom of that traumatizing river. My body was tense and firm, my palms sweating. Now it was reality.

At one point my friend tried to push me into the water and I screamed from the top of my lungs “STOP”. She finally let go of my body and it gave me a relief and a feeling of being safe now. I sat back up feeling relaxed my shoulders hunched in a comfortable position, I was slowly reaching out to get my paddle. But little did I know that Mrs.Smith had a secret plan. The next thing I know is, I'm flying of the raft right into that river. The river that scared me to death. I was regretting everything I could in that moment. I went in and the first three seconds are just shock, nothing no reaction your body and brain paralyzed not knowing what to do. Though the taste of the water was like it is purified and trustworthy even though I didn't want to taste it, I got a glimpse while falling in. After more than five seconds in that glaciere cold water I needed to get out, it felt like ages just floating there but in reality I was already getting pulled back into the raft.

Never again did my body touch that river, but it was an amazing time. Even though I made an asinine decision to go on the no splash boat, it was amazing. Going on there was a risk for me, I did not want to be sick after rafting and I did not feel like going into the river anyway. But at the end it resulted in, significant memories, an amazing trip and the best thing is that I proved myself wrong. I can conquer my fears.

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