My First Rafting Experience | Teen Ink

My First Rafting Experience

October 26, 2016
By AlaaElBouzrati BRONZE, Moscow, Florida
AlaaElBouzrati BRONZE, Moscow, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“SCREW IT, SCREW IT, SCREW IT!!!” Everyone on the rafting boat chanted. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I really didn’t want to do it.

Maybe I should start from the beginning. It was in the middle of September, and the whole of middle school could miss a week of school and visit a certain place in Russia. The reason for that is Discovery week. Discovery week is a week we miss of school to go “discover new things in a new place”, and do all sorts of exciting activities. The sixth graders went to Suzdal, the seventh graders went to Kaliningrad, and we (as the 8th graders) got to go to Siberia! It’s amusing to think nobody would actually go there, it’s in the middle of nowhere, literally. What were we supposed to do? How were we supposed to have fun? Everyone that did go on this trip before said it was the best trip in middle school, I guess I just had to see for myself. 

I do have to say that the highlight of the whole trip was rafting. I loved rafting because it didn't require any leg strength, and it was a sitting down sport. Before we got onto the rafting boat we had to put these wetsuits on. As I picked the waterproof pants up, it was a lot heavier than I expected it to be. Surprisingly, it was dry and warm. It didn’t have a very pleasant smell. The rafting gear was ten times my size, and I could slip through it like a blanket. Putting on the rafting gear had just ruined my whole mood even though the sun was out. Did I really want to get on a boat and jump into freezing cold water? I was slowly beginning to get irritated since everyone was taking so long putting on the rafting gear. It really shouldn't have took everyone too long. Finally, after everyone finished, we divided into our rafting boat groups. Our guide escorted our group to our rafting boat. As I got on, and sat down, the boat felt very soft, springy and shockingly comfortable. I thought to myself that maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought, right?

So there I was, on a rafting boat paddling away with a group of my friends. The sky was absolutely exquisite, like I have already said; the sun was out, no clouds were existent, and the air smelled clean and fresh. The water was a light shade of Cyan, matching the clear light blue sky. The view was too magnificent to describe; there were mountains along the side of the river and a shade of falcon grey rocks beneath the water. I was easily getting distracted by the tremendous view multiple times until someone had to keep reminding me to paddle instead of daydreaming. 

A few moments later, we had almost arrived to an appropriate place to jump in. I mean, I wasn’t forced to jump in so it was an optional choice. Still, it was SIBERIA, “it was a once in a lifetime chance”, the teachers would repetitively say. That may be not true, who knows? I might come back here someday in the future. A few of my friends decided to jump in first, they told me it was freezing but they didn’t regret it. Suddenly, it was my turn. At first, I obviously said that I didn’t want to go. Everyone was encouraging me. It was almost as if I were getting peer pressured to simply jump in. My palms began to sweat as my heart rate increased. Think of the possibilities, what if I got hypothermia? What if I got some sort of other extreme sickness? I couldn’t back out now, it would be lame of me. All of these thoughts that were rushing through my head bothered me. It was logical that a few people jumped in and nothing happened, so why was I still so worried?

I was rapidly beginning to get butterflies in my stomach, I was so paranoid. I finally decided to get it over with, even though it was extremely hard. I tried to act confident in myself as I stood up and everyone began cheering. I did feel a little better, but did I really want to do this? I was breathing faster and faster. I got up on the edge of the boat.

“SCREW IT, SCREW IT, SCREW IT!!!” everyone on the rafting boat chanted. I told myself quietly “just screw it Alaa, what are you going to regret?” The voices in my head started coming back to me, “it’s a once in a lifetime chance.” I inhaled deeply, and finally, I jumped. Yes, I did jump.

Within seconds my whole body began to feel numb, it felt as if icicles were brutally stabbing all parts of your body. The piercing shock of the Siberian water was what was making my teeth chatter, and my body shiver. The bitter sense was getting the best of me. I have had enough of this. I needed to get out, now. I began kicking towards the boat. Once I was close enough, the guide immediately pulled me out of the water and onto the boat. I looked around me and saw that everyone was clapping and cheering for me. It had felt so good to have that courage to jump in the water. I guess my friends were right afterall. I didn’t regret it. As I have slowly began to realize till this day is that when life gives you opportunities, always take them. Even though it might be a hesitating decision and a rollercoaster of emotions; in the end, it is definitely worth the experience.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece was a week long trip our grade took in Altai, Russia. 

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