A New School, A New Life | Teen Ink

A New School, A New Life

October 19, 2016
By Anonymous

A brand new school. Yelling,chaos,running, and pushing. The kids flocked and yelled down the halls; Teachers helping students and telling people to stop yelling and running down the hall. Going from an academy to a public school was a huge difference. Being used to a school where everyone was on your back about everything to going to a school where you learn to do things yourselves. It was definitely difficult and it took a lot a failing and a lot of dumb mistakes to finally learn my mistakes.

It felt like hundreds of kids walked the halls in my new school. My old school had maybe 28 kids walking down the hallway at once. I had more freedoms in this new school stuff you couldn’t even imagine at my other school. At the academy there was a time that my grade ended up having a snowball fight. Where at most places is okay but at that school we were the first kids to ever get detentions there. We had to read the encyclopedia and find certain events and people and write about it. Most of us were focused to a combination of trying not to cry and or laugh.

A majority of people don’t understand what it's like to switch schools. How you lose your friends and how your whole life changes. To some it isn’t a big issue but to people like me it changes everything. It's like starting over in a whole new world.

“It’s just a new school. Don’t be overdramatic,” Most would tell me.

However, in my brain it was so much more. Things like that bother me. I would always try to think of a way to respond but nothing would come to mind. Just stare or walk away is all I could think to do.

My parents were very frustrated with me during the years as well. I didn’t understand it and I would say so but nothing ever went through their heads. Sit,be confused, be quiet is all I remember ever thinking for the first year.

“How are your grades so bad? Do you even try?” My parents would always lecture me.

Honestly I didn’t know and to this day I still don’t understand why I let myself become lazy and not do work. Growing up I always had someone watching me making sure I did my work. When I switched schools I no longer had that and I slipped. What I didn’t think about at the time was my future and what I wanted to do.

“Do you understand the material?” I was asked numerous times.

In my head there were times I said no but in front of others I would just nod or say yes. Always being afraid and anxious to say anything. It never ended up being any good. My anxiety always stopped me from doing what I wanted.

Basically, my whole life changed. My memory is a little scratchy but I remember all the anxiety and the nervewreck of a new school. Luckily enough it was filled with nice teachers and students. If not who knows what my experience would have ended up to be.

The author's comments:

This was a big moment for me with my anxiety so I thought I would share what it's like to go from a small academy to a public school. 

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