Flower Beds | Teen Ink

Flower Beds

October 18, 2016
By Suhdude BRONZE, Gregory, Michigan
Suhdude BRONZE, Gregory, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The flower beds around my house look abandoned, absolutely terrible, other than the ones that I have already taken care of; which only consisted of the ones in the very front of my house. They looked as if someone set fire to a field of grass, and small trees. As barren and disgusting as they were, I decided to do something about it.

The flower bed on the side of my garage was the one that I had been putting off for a long time. This one was the worst, it had several small trees growing amongst the many large weeds, and within that, was a plentiful amount of dead grass. I wasn't even aware of the rock retaining wall, until I had removed all of the smaller weeds, and it took half an hour to remove the stubborn grass from the twenty foot long flower bed.

Once I removed the smaller stuff, I could get to work on the trees. This proved to
be quite the challenge as I could only use my right hand for most things; the finger on my left
hand was broken, so this made using an axe a small challenge.. turns out I could swing an axe with one hand just as good as I could with a baseball bat. I cut down all of the trees, moved the into the woods to waste away.

Then the real challenge, most of the trees grew very close to the garage, this meant they
were in close proximity to the foundation, therefore I could not swing an axe at the roots without
damaging the axe or the concrete, neither of which would go over well with my parents.

I used a small hatchet instead, as I was far more accurate with the smaller tool , rather than swing a five-pound piece of steel with one hand. It took me almost an hour and a half to finally remove the stumps. Once I had done that the rest was a breeze, I removed all of the rocks from the retaining wall, as most of them were buried and by doing that the rocks would be visible once placed back into their cavity in the earth.

Now the flower bed is only a rock wall and dirt, and that too still looks barren, but in the spring I had planned on planting flowers. I had planned on finishing them next year so that I could make the yard look nice, but the flower bed surrounding the garage made the garage look nice too. Now I could get to work in the spring, adding decorations, and putting flowers in the flower beds.

The author's comments:

This memoir is simply about cleaning out a flowerbed

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