Lucky | Teen Ink


October 18, 2016
By ClaudiaAnnMarie BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
ClaudiaAnnMarie BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year now, so I’d say spending time together is pretty normal and routine for us. Whether it’s going to each other’s houses or going out to eat together, we’ve become a pretty big part in each other’s everyday lives. However, we do have very busy schedules aside from one another. We both have school, sports, jobs, and of course family. Although, after being together for this long, we’ve figured out how to make it work.

We see each other at both of our schools. We go to each other’s sports games to support one another. We’ve even gone out of state together, yeah it was for school purposes, but it still counts. We’ve done a lot together in the time period we’ve been together. Many things have changed throughout that time as well. However, there’s one thing that hasn’t changed. The butterflies in my stomach are still there, even if we’re just holding hands and he drags his thumb gently across my knuckles. Last night though, something happened and my butterflies went crazy.

Our practices were over, it was around 6 o’clock and we walked to our cars together. That night, we just so happened to park next to each other. I decided that I was going to sit  in his black camry with him. I was just in a good mood and I didn’t want to leave yet. I wanted to spend more time with him. I glanced over at him, his tan skin was hard to see, but I had it imprinted in my mind. He was a dark tan, like the kind you would see on someone in the tropics. He looked towards me soon after, his green eyes looked directly into my gray ones. In that moment, time stood completely still. A big smile fell across my lips, and his came soon after. It felt like this particular moment was supposed to happen, like it was meant to be.

Trust me, we’re no storybook couple, we’re definitely not perfect, but we’re perfect for each other. At least, that’s what I believe. The words “I love you” just tumbled out of his mouth, almost with a sense of gratefulness. Like just looking at me reminded him how grateful he was to have me by his side. I felt my cheeks redden as I replied with “I love you too”. Within the blink of an eye we shared one deep passionate kiss, like it was going to be the last time our lips would ever touch. His hand caressed my cheek as he looked into my eyes. I can only feel pure happiness when I’m with him.  After that, we sat in the warmth of his car with the country music playing calmly in the background.

My head was rested on his shoulder, and his head was resting on my head, his fingers were running through my hair. His voice quietly hummed through the car, as he sang along to the song playing on the radio. His voice is so perfect. He has a talent of singing, even if he doesn’t think so. His passion for singing leaked out with every lyric that rolled off of his tongue. I believe he’s one of the best singers I’ve ever heard that’s not a professional. Once that song was over, he flipped through multiple radio stations to find a different song, he had no such luck, so we continued listening to some more country music. After a few minutes of no conversation, he  lifted his head up.


Concerned, I followed him.

“You should probably go home soon” he said, looking at the time, and knowing my parents, he was probably right; but I really didn’t care. I didn’t want to leave his side. With a big smile on my face, I said

“You are my home.” A smile spreads across his face as he pulls me in for a tight hug.

“Well you should get back to your house.” Our laughs echoed in the car. His sense of humor is one of my favorite things about him. I sighed but agreed, I grabbed my keys and snatched one last kiss before I left. I waved to him as he drove off, leaving me with my thoughts and my heart beating out of my chest. I still wonder today, how did I get so lucky?

The author's comments:

This is just a memoir about a moment I had with my boyfriend that made me realize how lucky I am to have found my true love so soon

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