The Truth Behind the Lie | Teen Ink

The Truth Behind the Lie

October 18, 2016
By ConnorCookz45 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
ConnorCookz45 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So we started talking in our 5th hour, things were going pretty great actually. We started talking and flirting, calling each other couple names. We were getting close and being more than friends. Finally we decided to hang out and do something. We went to an apple orchard, it was alright comparing it too everything else. After that we went to her house, her house was amazing, she had these cute dogs that wanted so much attention. I started petting them and was smiling. After we went to her room and she showed me around, there were 3 parts to her room, and in the room where all of her music related things were we hugged, then she looked up and went to kiss me, both were amazing. Then it was time to go too the Cat place, there were so many beautiful cats there and we went into a room and talked while we were playing with cats. Eventually it was time to go back we cuddled watched TV. She said that she had to go too volleyball practice so I couldn't stay for dinner. I wanted to say I would go but I thought that might be weird, and I got a feeling that something was off. So I went with it.
Now getting to the point of when the wonderful day came to a screeching stop. After I got home I started to do my work that was due the next day, I heard my phone go off and I saw her name and smiled, but I waited to look at it and continued to do my homework.

Finally I decided to read it.

“Thank you for an amazing day” I smiled while reading it seeing it was kind of a big message and thought it would be something good, but I was wrong.

“But I don't think we can be anything more than friends”

“What the hell..?” I said.

When I read that, I was so confused.

“I thought everything when good” I thought too myself. But I was wrong.

“I'm sorry, but I don't want to be friends at the moment, I don't want too talk to you for a while. I need time” I told her and she understood. We have barely talked every sense.

The author's comments:

At the time I was still getting over things. 

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