Cold Days | Teen Ink

Cold Days

October 10, 2016
By juliastar.k BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
juliastar.k BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
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When I think of a memory I can tie back to a certain cold day, no specific one comes to mind. When I think of cold days I think of walking through parking lots and  the slushy, greyish, ice snow mixture  that is in those parking lots that make your boots all wet, and how because your boots are already wet so you jump in it some more so at least you can try to make light of having cold feet. Cold days bring me back to going to pumpkin patches and wandering up and down the rows of picked over pumpkins trying to find the perfect one and how patient my mother always seemed to be during the selection process of 6 year old me. It bring me back to going to “The North Pole” to meet the real Santa, not one of his nice helpers at the mall, but the guy in the red suit who flies the magical gift bearing sleigh himself to tell him what I really wanted to find under the christmas tree the morning of December 25th. It reminds me of how cold it is the friday after Thanksgiving at 5;30 in the morning and how much I wished I was still in my warm bed because I can see my breath but i’m also happy to finally be joining my Great Grandma, my Nana, and my mom on their trip to all the department stores like kohls and macy’s for  black friday shopping, a family tradition that I look forward too, despite having to wake up early to the cold temperatures of black friday morning. More recently, on the cold days, I have been at an ice rink up in the mountains somewhere or in a previously unknown hotel room with my hockey team and dad, either playing hockey against a team who we all know we are going to lose to but play our best game and have fun together trying not to freeze in the cold mountain ice rinks that my coach says remind her of home, or eating at a little corner diner with hot drinks and good food as a team then going back to our hotel play knee hockey and relax until it is hockey-o-clock again then come back and have dinner and sleep until the next day, which unfolds just the same as the day before. Memories like these make me love the cold days more than anything, I wish that I had more days like the cold days. People always say they don’t like the cold and some even try to escape it in one way or another, but for me I love the cold days and all the memories that are made on the days where you can see your breath and can’t feel your feet.

The author's comments:

When I was given the promt to write about a memory about a cold day, I was so exited because I love the fall and winter. I have so many things that come to mind when I hear cold days, like the things I love about those cold days, but no specific memory comes to mind because there are so many good ones from the fall and winter months. Instead of writing about a specific memory, I wrote about what parts of cold days I like the most when I think about cold days and gave an example of one of the times when I experience that thing on a cold day.

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