Girls Trip | Teen Ink

Girls Trip

May 5, 2016
By Paulinazac2124 BRONZE, México, Other
Paulinazac2124 BRONZE, México, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Dear passengers we are now loading the plain to Miami; the time is 1:00pm.” Announced the flight attendant. My mom and I took our luggage and we said goodbye to my Uncle Male and cousin Briza. Today we will arrive in Miami; it will be a beautiful weekend that will leave my face with a smile.

We had this trip planned for a while and the night before the trip I packed my luggage and I spent the night finishing my homework so I could better enjoy the amazing vacation that was coming. I finally got to sleep at 12:00 pm and I woke up at the same time as our hens so I could meet my mother at work. After collecting her we went to the airport where my aunt and cousin were waiting for us, this was going to be the first time I travelled without my brother; they could not come because it was a girl’s trip! We arrived at the airport, it was lonely and calm for an airport but just after getting past security, we heard “Passengers for Miami, we are going to start boarding soon.” My mom turned back to look at aunt and they stared at each other for a long time, it looked like they were planning something and their expressions changed to joy. I didn´t understand what they were thinking, why their expression changed so fast to excitement? Suddenly, my mom turned and walked back through security. Her and my aunt started rushing towards the ticket desk.

I asked them what they were doing and my mom replied, “We are changing our flight to Miami for now!” After a little bit of arguing and bartering with the airline lady she agreed to change our tickets.

We now had an extra hour before our flight so we went to the airport Starbucks to buy some food and the four of us went through the security gates to catch our new flight. We arrived to Miami at 6:00 pm so we went to dinner at an Italian restaurant and we all slept in the hotel we rented.

The next morning we had breakfast at a French restaurant; I ordered a bagel with salmon and cappers. The food tasted delicious and we were all happy when there was a crash! A glass cup suddenly exploded on the table. My cousin rushed to the restroom with her mother because she thought some crystals might have fell inside her jeans. In the afternoon, we went to the Design District and visited many different malls to buy clothes. Every night we ate dinner at the department and talked about different themes and secrets of girls and we spent every night laughing.
The next day we went to the American Girl store to buy presents for my little cousin, the day was sunny and the air smelled like vacations. I tried to forget everything related to school because so much of the year I spend doing homework and being nervous of everything. After shopping, we went for barbecue ribs at a restaurant that specialized in open-air grills. When we arrived, the whole place smelled like sauce and I had the best cabbage salad I had ever ate.

One night, we went dinner to The Gianni Versace House, the food was delicious and we sat by the elegant pool, watching the water and the lights that covered the hotel at night were amazing. The house was a monument, every detail made you recognize that The House of Ganni Versace was made with care.

The thing I loved the most out of the whole trip were the moments we spent alone talking about things we have never said and confiding with each other.

We went to a big outlet where I found handmade crafts that made me be excited. In addition, I bought some plush toys from a Disney and Sanrio store.

The next morning I heard the bell ringing, I opened my eyes and I watched my aunt and mother bringing stuff in the apartment, when my mind was more awake I saw that they were the costumes we ordered. I go up and ran to our new costumes, they were soft, colourful and different for the usual ones. I was excited to wear mind and have a lazy day but the final day had come and it was time to fly as birds because that afternoon we were leaving. We had just enough time to go for one last swim in the pool and enjoy the last day of sun of our vacation.

I found that this trip changed my views on life and family and gave me the confidence to talk about my worries because we girls worked through many problems together. The moments we doubt are the ones that made us surprised at life.

Every day of our trip was exiting and funny, when we returned, my cheeks hurt from smiling all day. We need to enjoy the different events in life that brings to us together.

We arrived back in Mexico at around 7:00pm, we took our luggage and we said good-bye.

Don´t be sad that our group was breaking up; we will dinner with them the next Friday.

The author's comments:

Memories are something specific we can enjoy, none has the same memories of their life, and none thinks the same of one experience. My memoir, Girls Trip, talks about of one of my favorite life experiences where you realize that sometimes the normal moments could be one of the best ones. Readers of Girls Trip will enjoy and see their self’s in family times or Girls afternoons.

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