Facing a Giant | Teen Ink

Facing a Giant

March 30, 2016
By Anonymous

Everybody faces challenges in life, and I have faced and overcome many. There has been anything from little scrapes and scratches to things like death. The thing that has been the hardest by far is my grandma, a dementia patient. Every time I see her it is something different and is very hard to see her like this. In life right now this is like a stone wall that extends for miles and miles and miles. This wall seems never ending and i feel like i can't find any way to get over it. Being a 14 year old kid and having to take care of your grandma is tough. Watching her see things that aren't there and think its real life is horrible. This is my giant right now, this is the toughest thing in my life, and i’m not sure how to get over the fact this is how my life is going to go for a little because she won’t get better. Overall the toughest thing is that i go to her house and she says things like ‘I can't take a shower Barb is here and I don't want her seeing me’. That is really hard because my aunt barb has been dead for over a year. YOu can get 2 sides of my grandma when she is like this, you can have a time when its really funny like her saying, "The Darn chinese are taking my money," or you can have it where she is scary to be around because she imagines something there and tries to kill it. For example she thought she saw a groundhog and thought it was trying to kill her so she stabbed it with sheers. In life right now this is my giant and this is my challenge and so far one of the big ones I have faced or am facing right now. All I can do right now is try to not to let it get to me and just make the best out of the time I still have with her having a little sanity.

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