My Life on Paper | Teen Ink

My Life on Paper

February 29, 2016
By Anonymous

In 2004 my Great- Grandmother died. My mother flew to Atlanta frequently at first being with my Grandmother in her deathbed then flying down there again for her funeral. My mom had a best friend named Brenda. I remember her doing my sister’s hair and mine because my mother was out of town. I guess my mother’s frequent traveling she wasn’t “Satisfying” my father’s needs, so my father cheated on my mother while she was in Atlanta, more than once might I add. Eventually my sister’s, dad and I drove to Atlanta for her funeral. When we had came back and my father returned the rental car he was actually going to Brenda’s house to cheat on my mother once again. Five years later, I’m eight years old. My mother and two sisters go to Atlanta for summer vacation but for some reason I stay and I didn’t want to go. I had a fear that my dad would cheat on my mom. Now mind you, no one has a clue about my father cheating on my mother five years ago. So, I don’t know why this going through my head. I thought my father would cheat on my mother with his co-worker Margaret. The crazy part is that when my mother and sisters were gone I was always around Margret she even did my hair. Another four years later I am in the 6th grade and something had happened.  I am not for sure what it was but I know something had happened. I was a very nosey child. I knew everything that happened in my house. I forgot how I found out but my mother cheated on my father. My parents didn’t tell me. I found out myself. My sisters didn’t know and I didn’t want to tell them. Me being the youngest they wouldn’t believe me. They would just think that I am crazy. One day the house was quiet, my sister and I were in the Sunroom watching television and my parents were in the basement talking. I knew exactly what was happening. They were talking about getting a divorce. Like I said as I child I was very nosey I knew everything. My fathers called me and my sister downstairs because they wanted to “talk”. Victoria (my sister) had no clue what was going on she was sixteen at the time and I was twelve. I walked down stairs and I was scared for the news I was about to get. My parents are divorcing. I walked into that basement and my mother was sitting on the couch with her grandmother's pink robe on and my father was sitting on the other couch. My dad then said it and my sister started to break down. But I didn’t. I had one thing to ask and it was “Why?” I wanted to know why they were divorcing. Even though I knew why. I wanted to hear her say it. She just kept apologizing and waterfall of tears were going down her face, just like my sister. My dad was hugging my sister. But me? I just left the basement. Now in my twelve year old mind I wanted to know “Why would my mother cheat on my father?” I begged my father to give my mother another chance and he did. They weren’t divorcing anymore. But I won’t find out the answer to my question until the following year. I am now thirteen years old in the 7th grade. I remember this weekend like it was yesterday. I just got over sinus infection and now I have bronchitis. My mother and I just had gotten home from the doctors and my parent’s vibe was very weird, there was tension. My father was making pancakes for me and my sister. My father did something to set my mother off. She said “Look at the example you are setting your children.” Then stormed out the kitchen and my dad followed. My sister and I continued to eat out pancakes while we heard our parents arguing until we heard commotion and ran into their room to see my father trying to strangle my mother. My sister went for my mother and I went for my father. Using all my might to get him off her. Then I finally did. “Daddy, what are you doing?” I yelled over the back and forth, my sister was comforting my mother while she was crying and yelling.” Terri, please get someone.” Is what I remember my mother saying. My parents kept yelling going back and forth. I remember my dad saying “Your mother cheated on me!” While yelling. Then my mother yelled “You cheated on me with Margret.” That hit me in the chest. Like wow all this time I knew but never believed it. “Dad, I’m about to get the neighbor!” I yelled. Then he looked at me and said “If you go get them then ima go to jail, you don’t want that right?” I answered “No.” I never did go get the neighbor. Eventually the bedroom cleared and my mom left. My dad and I went to CVS to get my inhaler. Going up the street, there was a car parked. It was my mom in the car with her best friend Brenda. My dad rolled down the window and said “Remember, you’re the one that did this.” At this point in my head I knew my parents were most definitely divorcing. No doubt about it. My dad tried to turn me against my mother saying has never been truthful and she’s a liar. Since my parents were divorcing I knew my mother was moving back to Atlanta, and that was another fear. That I would move with her. I didn’t want to move. I loved New Britain. This was my home. In my mind I was confused. Why would they do this to our family? One day my mother came upstairs to my room. She told me how my father cheated on her with Margaret and how they have a child together. That once again hit me in the chest. My mother said that my father just doesn’t want to admit it. That Margaret wouldn’t get a paternity test. I knew Margaret had a baby just never would've thought it was from my father. I remember holding that baby too. Who would have thought, she was my sister. Over time my mother fell into depression, she even stopped going to work. Seeing her weak just made me weak. That’s when I had went to a therapist and I remember his exact words “Have you seen any divorce papers around said the house?” I said “No.” Then he said “Well it seems like your parents aren’t getting a divorce.” When he said that so much weight came off my shoulders. I took the therapist word for it. In the house my father slept in the basement and my mother slept in the bedroom. I was sitting in the basement watching TV with my sister when I heard my mom yell “I can’t believe you, you couldn’t control your hormones?” I lowered the TV down in fear that they were getting physical again. That day my mother found out that my father cheated on her with her best friend Brenda. Hurting my mom considering the fact that he cheated on my mom during an emotional time. One day, my dad had to fix someone’s sink so I went with him. Come to find out we were going to Margret’s house so he could fix her sink. I walked in and her daughter that is supposed to be my half-sister came up to me and said Hi with a smile. We ended up watching Wall-E. I remember staring at her to see a resemble, but there wasn’t one. She didn’t have my dad’s nose, eyes, lips are anything. So maybe dad’s right this isn’t his child. Over the course of three years they slowly started to get back together. Until one day my dad had to fix someone’s car and at this time I wasn’t nosey anymore I was too focused on school. Come to find out my dad was still seeing Margaret and my mother found out and said that she is done. She’s divorcing him, she started looking at houses in Houston. That’s when I knew it was real. When she told me she’s divorcing my father I didn’t care. Why? Because this is the third time you are telling me this you're either gonna do it or not. Today February 18, 2016. My parents are divorcing. My mother is moving to Asheville, North Carolina in May. She doesn’t want to live in Connecticut because she’s not from here. The only reason why she stayed was because of her children. Now she’s ready to leave, but I’m staying here until I go to college. I believe that my whole life was a complete lie, since I was 4 years old. I never seen my parents truly happy and together, and their relationship faithful, It was just a lie.

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