Wonderful Forest | Teen Ink

Wonderful Forest

January 20, 2016
By MaximumTomb BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MaximumTomb BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I get out of the car the first thing I feel is the cold soothing wind that flows through my body. If I take a deep breath, I can smell pine trees which have a scent of mint. If I tried to describe the scenery, I would describe an environment that looked as if made by hand with an ice shaving machine which makes the ground look perfect and the sky wondrous. When you begin to walk away from the car, your feet sink into the ground and I can feel ice falling into my shoes and melting into my socks which gave me chills up and down my spine. After I take more steps, the scent of the mint pinewoods grows stronger. It reminds me of the cold happy times I used to have in the snow. I am able to describe the different aromas in the air, including the aroma of the animals such as deer and rabbit; the aroma the animals leave in the woods when they prance around, this makes the flowers smell stronger due to the pollination and it has a scent of  roses and dandelions, the aroma of the animals is not just peaceful but soothing it makes me feel warm in the inside and also makes me feel safe and warm. If I looked up at the trees, I would see different kinds of leaves; red leaves that leave a soothing feeling, green leaves reminded me of the fresh cut grass in the morning, and yellow leaves of the first day of autumn; the leaves would have a redundant coat of ice which looks like shaved ice, others have a coat of frozen water where the leaf would be visible through the top, but hard and cold. The frozen ice of the leaf gives me a feeling as if all the terrible problems from the world were suddenly silenced.


When I look up at the trees and see them standing still the enormous pines that seem big enough that reach towards the clouds, the bark of the tree would give you an image of happiness. The trees stood still and I could hear the melody that plays on the wind which makes anyone that listens to it stays relaxed and calm as if listening to classical music at a lake looking into the horizon, and they feel as if they could listen to it forever. When I look at the snowy ground I imagine that it's like as if you were on clouds, if I lay on the ground I feel as if you could sleep in it forever. When it begins to snow I am able to see the snowflakes one by one I feel happy and warm inside because it seems as if everything stood still in complete calmness. When I pick up the snow from the ground its feels as if I had the world in my hand and I was able to make every wrong with the world perfect. When I get into the woods I feel as if nature was one with me and I was able to help it grow and make it stronger, I get this feeling not just in my mind but in my heart that I can become a better human and I can change the terrible things that we do to this earth. The woods have a smell of not just minty pine, which gives me a memory of putting up the Christmas decorations in my house, but also there is the smell of the ground as if it had rained the night. The true meaning of nature is seeing the beautiful animals on the woods walking and pouncing around. The different animals; deer, rabbits, and elks, they give me a feeling of happiness, I also feel heart warm just by watching the elk and deer feed in the forest which is a beautiful moment that makes anyone that sees it collapse in sheer compassion. This moment is not a moment that can be passed easily it has to be taken into heart, because the wonderfulness of the world cannot be taken for granted.

When I am about to leave from the woods I take a deep breath to be able to leave with the minty pine smell that the trees exhaust from the tree. I take one last look at the perfect snow which I will safe in my memories as if it was cotton candy, with a frozen center and cold as the winter nights in Christmas Eve. When I walk back to my car I feel my calmness leaving me and all the wonderful images I saw, were being saved into my memory hard drive. I saw the deer before I got back into the car and I tried to keep the innocence and compassionate image that I felt when you see the animals walking around. The biggest fear I had after I had left the woods in flagstaff was that they would change and the next time I came back they wouldn’t make me feel the same happiness I felt the last time I went and also the soothing feeling and the mentality of peace I achieve from the wonderful forest.

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