Writer's Block | Teen Ink

Writer's Block

December 31, 2015
By Anonymous

I have learned that writing draws me into a different world and I try to explain the world that I have entered clearly and fluently.


“The Black canvas in the sky was speckled with pale white dots in the sky - and then I heard a loud snap. Then… ” Writer's block, I stopped typing and leaned back in my chair and stared at the cursor as it blinked slowly and steadily in the dark. I saved my work and picked up Mirabels’ Island A book from the 1930’s that I have been reading.  I turned on my reading light on and drifted into thought, How did I get into writing?  How did it help me vent through a stressful time in my life? My eyes were trained on the book but my mind was somewhere else.
I saw a younger me working on Fog a short story that I had been working on for quite some time, and still am. When I started writing Fog that’s when I realized that writing helped me escape and vent thoughts and images and poems that I thought went too a very deep and serious perspective not funny or comical. Fog was when my parents were divorced and my dad moved to my grandparents house and I was only a 6th grader. I think I started to slip in school and I started to play video games all day sometimes and forget. I never touched a book for a year and just felt terrible. So when I started making stories; I figured out that that helped me see through my emotions and place them into a world not real where people could feel my own emotion.

The stories that I wrote had connections to my feelings that I was having when my parents were divorced and video games where my salvation. My stories always had a dark hint in them, and still do. Fog was about a boy named Jonathan whose parents were taken away by the Fog: His dog Dart, View master and the little girl were his only source of clues.  A View Master was a toy that lost popularity in late 1980’s, and these were the only clues Jonathan had to solve why his parents had been kidnapped. I really recovered after I finished that story, I picked up my grades and started taking every advantage I got from school like writing to make it into a masterpiece. I stopped playing video games for a short period of time, I still do of course but to put it in perspective I spent 1445 hours on one video game, that’s a month's worth of time in one whole year. Now I am as much of a casual gamer as I can be and have learned from writing, most importantly I have also published 2 of my stories on a official site called WattPad™ a site where you can make a free account and read and publish books for free.

My mind came out of a fuzz and I tried to remember where I was in the book and why  couldn’t remember where I was I was on page 15. Last I was on page 13. I wondered What happened and I shut the book and laid down on my bed. “YAAAAAWN!” I looked at the clock, “It’s 12:27, I’m gonna’ be late for school tomorrow!” I closed my eyes and turned out the light and dreamed about what more stories I will write in my future.


I learned that writing helped me vent bad stuff and emotions into my stories too help me become better as I person; that Is why I still write to relieve stress and strive to become a better person with Writing, games, and getting outside more. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a Great Day.

The author's comments:

My Teacher had an assigment for us to to and I thoroghly enjoyed it.

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