Costa Rica | Teen Ink

Costa Rica

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

The bus finally rolled into the hotel. After a long 4 hour car ride everybody was about ready to strangle each other, and just wanted to stretch their legs. The bus doors opened and we were greeted with a blast of warm, muggy air. I could tell this was going to be a long night. I trudged over to Ms. Gilani, the heat already making me tired, and asked her who I was going to be sleeping with. She told me,

“You’re with Gillian and Abby. Here’s you key.”

She handed me a key, and immediately I thought, Oh shoot, we are so going to lose this, but I got Abby and Gillian and we walked towards out room. We walked through the door and were greeted by a blast of air that wasn’t quite cold or hot, but still refreshing from the humidity. After a second it dawned on us that there was a bunk bed and a queen bed. After some arguing it was determined that Gillian would sleep on the top, Abby on the bottom, and me in the queen bed. The main worry about the bunk bed was that the top had no railing and was dangerously close to the fan. After we got that settled we went around unpacking, swimming, and eating. Then came the moment that everybody had been simultaneously dreading and dreaming off. We were going to bed.
We three girls all got ready for bed, no one quite acknowledging that in a few moments Gillian was going to risk her life in the top bunk. Finally, the time came to get into the beds and turn off the lights. We were all just lying there in the darkness and finally Gillian broke the silence by saying,

“Guys, I can’t sleep up here. It’s just too scary.” She continued saying things like this for about another minute, when Abby finally gave up and said,

“Alright, I’ll sleep up there.” There was the loud scuffle and they switched beds in the dark and finally everything was quiet again. About three minutes after Abby had switched with Gillian, she whispered,

“Guys, I can’t want to sleep up here.”

We argued for a little bit and eventually determined that the best course of action would be to move the mattress from the upper bunk onto the floor between the queen bed and the bunk bed. Finally convinced that this would be a good solution, we set out to try to sleep for the second time. Then we heard Abby speak again,

“Guys, it’s scary down here too. I can see everything under Amelia’s bed.” 

At that point it was about 10:30 at night and we were all getting kind of freaked out. There was a god barking outside and an ominous full moon hung low in the sky.

“Abby, just come up here and sleep with me. There’s enough room in this bed for both of us.” I suggested, mainly because I just wanted to go to sleep.

“Okay,” she said and crawled in besides me.

“Wait, guys I don’t want to be over here by myself.” This was from Gillian, now by herself in the bunkbed. At this point it was probably around 11:00 and I just really wanted to sleep, so I volunteered to sleep on the bottom bunk.
“You guys are being idiots, it’s not that scary!”

I rolled out of the bed and traded places with Gillian. The lights went off again and we were plunged into darkness.
“Guys, Gillian, was right. This is really creepy.” I whispered.

I tiptoed across the room and hopped into the big bed right in-between Abby and Gillian. We spent the night that way, everybody ignoring the fact that there were three beds, yet we all slept in one. That was definitely the scariest night in Costa Rica.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece after one of the best trips of my life. I hope people will be able to laugh about this class. 

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