This Star Won't Go Out Book Review | Teen Ink

This Star Won't Go Out Book Review

November 25, 2015
By Anonymous

Imagine you are six; six years old, having the unlimited energy you did, and having a blast. Now imagine you go to the doctors one day and they tell your parents that you have thyroid cancer. That was Esther Erals childhood. Six normal years, the rest filled with doctors, constant watch, and not being able to see your friends ever. This Star Won’t Go Out by Esther Earl with Lori and Wayne Earl, shows the perspective through Esther’s eyes and journal about the world of doctor visits, new medicines, and keeping friends close.

This Star Won’t Go Out describes Esther’s life from the time of six years old. Through her diary entries, we see how she felt as her cancer grew with her, taking away any chances at a normal life. Her ability to stay positive through such an enduring time is spectacular, causing you to keep on reading and never put your book down. At times it’s light and happy feeling, others it can get you down. But it is most definitely a book that is worth reading all the way through.

This book also shows the parents perspective and what they endured also. How watching their daughter get more and more sick as time passed on, and how her future slowly slipped through their fingers. Yet they also kept positive, creating a blog to keep everyone updated on how Esther was doing, telling her friends, family, and everyone supporting her the ups and downs in her lifetime. No one can imagine what they were feeling when their daughter passed away, and with the book we get a better insight in how they coped with all the emotions raging inside them.

Reading between the lines is non-existent. Since it is what Esther is feeling at that moment, you cannot get more indepth than that. Her parents writing is also straightforward too. It can only be taken differently if the reader misreads it

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