What It Means | Teen Ink

What It Means

September 12, 2015
By ShannonDee SILVER, San Antonio, Texas
ShannonDee SILVER, San Antonio, Texas
8 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life stops for no man.

My friend and I simply sat there waiting for her to figure out how to make her computer game work. Me, laying on the bed staring at the ceiling taking glances at my friend hunched over her computer with a face twisted in frustration and concentration. Both with, moisturizing, facemasks on that made us look like silly serial killers you'd see in a horror parody.

"Thank you," she said suddenly with a tone that was almost like a soft whisper. As if I wasn’t suppose to hear it.
"For what?" I asked in unparalleled confusion.
"For making me feel self worth." Her voice was small and, when I glanced over, she looked as if she’d shrunk since the last time I’d glanced at her, just staring idly at her computer screen.
"I mean you eat organic food and take care of your skin. I just wash my face and eat...whatever."
"Well I mean I believe you can't love or take care of people if you can't love and care for yourself,” I impassively replied.

In honesty, I didn't know whether to say thank you or stay silent but I didn't want her to feel I didn't listen. In truth, I was heartbroken that she felt worthless before and something as simple as being in my house for no more than a few hours made her feel she is worth more.

All I had done was given her a room.

The author's comments:

Literally, happened. 

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