The Trip | Teen Ink

The Trip

May 12, 2015
By Sophia Nguyen BRONZE, Melbourne Beach, Florida
Sophia Nguyen BRONZE, Melbourne Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Ski resort? WOOT WOOT!” my brother yelled in excitement.

There we were sitting in my Uncle’s living room, drinking hot chocolate while listening to my Uncle’s ideas for places to visit. “Yeah, it’s pretty fun! I can drive you guys up tomorrow if you want?” my Uncle asked. And so it was decided that tomorrow we head to the mountains to ski. We all planned out what we needed for the car ride and ski trip really well. It felt perfect, as if nothing could go wrong!

Well, lets just say a LOT went wrong. I woke up the next day to find out that my other uncle to the largest car, a van that could fit 8 people, to work. So we ended up having to use a car that could hold 6 people for an 8 person family...

You may start to wonder how we managed to fit everyone inside the car. Well, the remaining two people had no room left to sit in the seats of course, so the only choice left was to sit in the trunk. Who were those two people you ask? Unfortunately it was my brother and I. It was agonizingly uncomfortable to lay down for three hours while going through so many bumps and breaks.  It didn’t help that my uncle was a terrible driver, or that my brother accidentally passed gas on one of the bumps. I was really mad at first, but then decided to just deal with it. Have to give up something to get something better in return, right?

Boy was I wrong. Things were starting to get worse and worse. We were almost close to our final destination when we heard sirens wailing. My heart sunk to the ground and I knew we were in deep trouble. My mother and aunts rushed me up to the passenger seats to sit on their lap and covered my brother with a blanket in attempts to hide him. Thankfully the officer didn’t spot him but he did see me and issued a hefty ticket for speeding and for me not in a seat. He made us sit on the side for an entire hour. The car ride itself was long enough but this was just making me go insane and I was starting to believe this trip wasn’t even worth it until we reached the ski resort.
I was happy to say that my first time skiing went well. I had a great time racing my brother and laughing at each other falling. It almost made the car ride here almost worth it. But things took a turn for the worst. My dad and I were taking the ski lift down to the car when it suddenly stopped in mid-air. We were stranded in the capsule and had no safe way down. I was freaking out, thinking that this isn’t how I wanted to die. My dad wasn’t making the situation any better. He kept yelling over the phone trying to calm my mother down, which of course was not working. It felt like we were up there for hours before it finally started moving again. It turns out it was only for thirty minutes. My mom and aunt cried with relief seeing that we were alright. But when my uncle and my brother touched ground, they both threw up right then. My mom tried to run to my brother but slipped on the slick, icy ground on to her bottom! A second round of sirens wailed and I found  myself ending my terrible trip waiting in the hospital, with a cup of hot chocolate in hand.

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