New Family Member | Teen Ink

New Family Member

May 1, 2015
By sarahfelly BRONZE, Lincoln, Rhode Island
sarahfelly BRONZE, Lincoln, Rhode Island
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

     Finishing up the last bite of the cool crunchy lettuce in my sandwich, I saw a small, white vehicle pull up to the rocky cement of my driveway. I heard little footsteps rush down the hallway to the back door that led to the humid outside of our backyard. My younger brother scurried out the door, stumbling down the stairs, to greet the mysterious presence of the car.
     A cool breeze blew upon us as the car wheels turned in a circular motion along the stone driveway. A wave of pure nervousness came upon me as the car came to a stop and the blaring headlights calmed themselves. I looked around me to find my family gathered around our porch steps waiting for the moment we had all been waiting for to occur. “They’re here!” my mom called as she walked out of the porch. The excitement in her voice made me feel comforted as my anxiety slipped away like a wave as the tide went out along the shore.
     A car door opened and it seemed as if the whole world was watching the presence of our new kitten as it came out into the open. “I can’t believe he is finally here,” I whispered as the small, frail kitten showed its face in the palm of the lady’s hands. “He is so cute!” my sister hollered, she was usually the one to say that first. I remembered my brother, only one at the time, glancing at the kitten looking as if he wanted to take him right out of the lady’s hands and keep him forever.
     I could almost feel the warm welcome from the summer sunlight as it shown upon the black fur of the new member of the family. My heart was pounding like a drum as the worry inside of me rushed through my veins. His little ears were pointed down and his body was calm like a mother lion with her cub. “Here he is,” the lady told us, “What are you going to name ‘em?” Everyone was looking at me because they knew I had a perfect name that I had come up with the night before. “We want to name him Marbles, because marbles look like cat’s eyes.” The lady seemed very impressed and smiled at me. I blushed, I wanted to tell her that it wasn’t me who came up with the name, it was my babysitter, but she seemed satisfied with what I said so I went with it.
      Marbles gave out a soft meow and the women put him on the lush grass of our backyard. He was a little frightened at first knowing he would no longer be with his mother anymore. He ran around us, sniffing our feet and looking around his new home. I remember when he came to my feet, he stayed there a while, looking up at me and rubbing his silky fur against my leg. “I think he likes you!” my mom exclaimed. Will’s look on his face was angry; he wanted the cat to like him! So of course, only being one, he snatched the cat up and took him away. Marbles’ white, fresh paws were no longer on solid ground, but in the hands of Will, clutching him so he would not let him go.
     The poor cat did not enjoy this and certainly was not going to put up with it, so he started to turn and twist in Will’s hands, trying to break free. Marbles then made a daring leap out of his hands onto the ground where he scurried under a bush. “Hey! Where you go’in!” my brother yelled. If only he understood that the cat was not too fond of him already and sure enough, did not want to be around him! I had a strong feeling Marbles and Will’s relationship was going to turn out rather interesting like he was the bat and Marbles was the ball, constantly taking control over each other, only one getting the right play at a time.
     I remember seeing Marbles’ eyes in the dark bush glowing with fear. His black fur was brushed up against the green leaves as he stood in the darkness. I felt terrible, as a good owner would have done, I could have stopped the bat from smashing the ball but the pitch wasn’t just right. I went over to the bush and the cat inside stepped back. “It’s ok little guy,” I quietly told the shadowing figure hiding in fear. “I won’t hurt you, come ‘ere” I scooped up the cat and cradled him in my hands.
     I could feel his warm stomach in my palm as I carried him out of the bush. He stumbled a bit, scared that someone new was touching him. He looked up at me and smelt my finger. A sense came to me that he trusted what I was doing and I truly felt special that someone, little and frail, loved me just the way I was. His body was quiet and relaxed as he gave out a swift purring noise that serenaded the people around him. “You know that when cats purr, it means they are happy,” The dark haired woman informed us as I was holding the kitten with care. “I’ve read books about cats,” Charlotte told her back, “I knew that and a bunch of other things so I’ll be prepared!” Charlotte was a reader and read every book she could find in the library, whether it was about cats or it was a chapter novel! I wasn’t too fond of reading but I had a feeling I would do just fine in taking care of Marbles. I knew he liked me from the start so I wouldn’t have too much of a problem…
      My mom suggested we go inside to show Marbles around since he had been outside this whole time. “Well thank you so much for the cat, I’m sure we will take care of him just fine,” my mother reported to the woman as our footsteps were slowly walking up to the cobblestone porch where we all were trotting inside to break free of the heat. We all waved goodbye and said our thanks as the white car gave out smoke and rumbles from the engine as it started up again. The smell of pollen brewed through the dense air as we walked inside. Marbles was now sleeping in my hands as we went inside, he was fast asleep.
     In spite of what happened that morning 6 years ago, memories were made and so were friendships. Marbles has been there for me my whole life and I have absolutely no clue what my life would be like without him. Marbles comforts me and knows when I am feeling down. Whenever his black shining fur rubs against me, I always think of the day when he first came. Will and Marbles’ rivalry between each other still continues, a tail pull and a scratch always come here and there. However, that afternoon when Marbles set foot on our ground, our lives changed, and so did our hearts.

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