"The visit" | Teen Ink

"The visit"

February 2, 2015
By Carolu BRONZE, Maryland, Idaho
Carolu BRONZE, Maryland, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a summer Monday morning. I was in my house up in the mountains near Chipinque, in the Sierra Madre Oriental.  My family is made up of four people. My Dad  named Miguel has curly black hair, mustache and a beard. He is tall and very intelligent, works in a veterinary taking care of animals of all kind. Also, he loves animals especially  the birds of Mexico. He always has something to talk about . My mom is a pretty woman named Carla, has curly brown hair and big eyes. She stays  at home all day making sure the house is clean and organized. She loves nature  that is why my mom and dad go walking every day in the morning. My sister is Caty, tall and beautiful. She loves architecture and is studying this. I am the youngest of the house, currently in the 8th grade. I love to talk in public and have my own radio show. I also love to investigate thousands of things making all my family learn something different every day.

My house is painted green and  is surrounded by all different kinds of trees. It has a lot of plants my parents take care of. This house has 4 floors, the entrance, the living room, the book room and the kitchen . We also have a basement  and a big tv, the ceiling is used as our biggest balcony. I have been living in this house for a couple of years now, 6 to be exact. 

The memoir I will be telling you happened  in the summer of 2013.  I woke up and went to my parents bed to say good morning and give them the first kiss of the day. They were lying in bed talking.  I approached them and said:
“Good Morning, how are you?”
“Fine thank you” said my mom.
“We were about to get dressed to go to our daily walk,want to come?”
“No maybe another time” I said,  because I wanted to go back to sleep a little while longer. My parents got dressed in their sport wear.
“Bye see you in a little while” said my dad. They went out of the house for their walk.

I decided I did not want to sleep a while longer, so I stayed in the kitchen reading a book that was so interesting I could not stop reading. I heard my dog running  but I kept my eyes straight into the book. I also saw people walking by my home that were  like my dad and my mom because it was a beautiful sunny day.

A while longer,  I heard a very weird noise coming from some part of my house. I did not know what it was,and I had to be very careful because I was all alone. If something happened nobody could help me. I stayed there in the kitchen and I kept hearing the noise. I was so scared I was about to cry. I thought the noise was on the second floor so I did not want to go up to check what was happening. I knew if I was alone that I had to go see  it because if that noise did something to the house it would be all my fault.

Five minutes later, I was so scared, I was crying so much that my tears made the kitchen floor  like the south padre island sea. I tried to talk with my parents to tell them what was happening, but the phone was silent as a mouse. I got more stressed out, and I was so frustrated I wanted to kick everything that was near me.  Very slowly without making any noise I went up to the second floor. I thought the sound was coming from my parents bathroom because I could hear the leaves of an indoor plant they have inside moving. I was so scared I did not want to get in the bathroom but I knew I had to face the noise.

I came to the bathroom so slowly nobody could hear me. I started walking in, knowing that the animal, could be there. Immediately, I faced it. I could not believe what I was seeing, but it was real. It had very big teeth as the furious lion that could bite anything she found in her way. Her eyes were as big as marbles, which I used to play with when I was little. Her skin was as dark as the night sky. I was so scared I went back down to try to call my parents one more time.
“Hello Dad ,are you there?” I asked.
“Yes Carolu, what do you need, you have called me a lot of times, is everything alright?”
“No,  I am really scared, I am shaking all over as a leaf in the wind because there is an animal inside the house.”
“Remember that I do not  have signal in all of the streets of the Colonia, wait for us to arrive.”
I did not know what to do, neither at which time will they be arriving back home after the walk.

Moments later, I went back up to my parents bathroom where this thing was at. I had to take my fear away and conquer it.  Then I saw her, the squirrel,  in one of the plants my parents had in the bathroom, just lying there with nobody bothering her. She even dared to take a nap!!. I wished my parents would arrive to see her. I got scared again,this time more than the first time.

Immediately, I decided to go outside and wait for my parents to arrive. I did not know in how long they were going to take and I was scared about the creature, and also if this thing could break or do something in my house. I stand there in the entrance crying waiting for them. I was afraid somebody would see me crying.

Later I heard some voices that were approaching , so I went in because I did not want them to see me with that ugly crying face that I had on.  My face was all red, with marks because of all the time I had been crying. To my surprise the voices I had heard in that instance where my parents that were finally back. They arrived and saw me with that face.
“What has happened?” said my mom all worried.
“There is a creature inside” I said with a whisper.
“Where is it?” said my dad who wanted to take it out of the house the fastest way possible”
“It is in your bathroom” I said immediately.

So my parents obeyed me and went up into the bathroom. They searched for her  a long time with the hope of finding it, and taking my fear away. Finally they saw it. They screamed and the squirrel woke up from its nap. My dad went for a net he had in his room. After that,  he closed the bathroom door and opened all the 5 windows even more. The living thing started running like crazy looking for a way out. She finally found it with one of the windows that was opened. After she got out, both parents closed all the windows completely. There was no way for her to come back.

My parents went down to the kitchen where I was at and told me
“The intruder has finally left our house and is never coming back, commented my dad. I finally took that crying face of and change it into a happy and exciting one.
“We are finally , a family again” I said.
“Yes we are, I love you all” said my mom.

My perspective about life changed because of this experience. First of all, I can  see that this type of creature ,that was a squirrel differently, because they live here and we are the ones  that  have invaded their space in the woods. I realised that being frustrated and sad was not going to take me anywhere and that I had to stop doing it.  I learned to stop being scared for the simple things that can happen.

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