The Times of Old | Teen Ink

The Times of Old

January 14, 2015
By Jake McNamara BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
Jake McNamara BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’d like to go back to the simpler times. Back when I was a young 7 year old boy without too much of a care in the world. Back when my parents were still together and my brothers and I were friends. I want to feel the joy of being one big happy family again. I want to go back to when I could play video games with my brothers and we wouldn’t argue. To go out and play with my friends so carefree. To return to a time so filled with happiness and love. Back when my responsibilities were few and my friends were many.


As I grow up my memories of that time grow fonder and fonder. The more I dwell on the them, the more I want to go back. Even though I know it’s not possible I still hope for a day where it might happen. In which I might be whisked back to the good times. To my carefree childhood, when all I did was play games. It was a fun time… a better time. There’s no way back and I know.

However, even though I can’t go back… I’m glad. I’ve moved on, I’ve changed. I’m a better person because of my experiences. I’m happy with the way my life turned out and I wouldn’t change or repeat anything. No matter how much I want to. I’m proud of the way I turned out and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

The author's comments:

Just the way I like to look back on things.

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