The Results | Teen Ink

The Results

December 18, 2014
By Nick Tsambikou BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
Nick Tsambikou BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I waited outside the room, talking with the others that went before me. “Oh I did so good! I’ll definitely get on the team!” They all said. “They laughed at all my jokes and told me I did great!” I figured I would also do well. Finally, it was my turn, scared I walked in. My face was red, my knees were weak. I looked at the students that would determined if I would get on the team. However, all my nervousness went away as soon as I began to  talk. With ease I got through and was proud to have finished. Only to get a polite smile, and a “Have a nice day.”  I was sad as I went home, but I figured I might have a shot.


I didn’t want to see the results. “I know I didn’t make it. My tryouts were terrible!” I told everyone that asked, but I realized, that I’d have to face reality and check it. My heart was racing. A girl that had also tried out was walking with me. All she was saying was, “I’m sure we both made it Nick!” However, she was wrong. As I scrolled through the names on the list, mine wasn’t one. Sad I began to walk away, “Damn, I didn’t make it. But you did Nick!” I turned around with surprise and looked. my name was the second to last one on the list. “I-I-I made it?” I said with shock. “I made it on speech team?” I was ecstatic. However, it was going to ”involve very, very hard work” as I had been told. But I was ready.

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This peie is personal.

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