~Black Hole~ | Teen Ink

~Black Hole~

November 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Lately she feels as if she should just disappear, maybe if she did everything would be better. Would anybody realize? Would anybody care? She fels as if she is in a black hole that is sucking her in farther and farther as each day passes. Tired of the battle. She wants to feel okay again. Disappearing? Would that be the awnser? She doesn't want to die, she wants to go to a place between life and death. Maybe nobody would realize,maybe nobody would care. She doesn't even know if she has any friends right now. They have all drifted apart, away from her. She keeps to herself. In her room, at night she cries until there are no more tears to be shed. The numb feeling the pain has given her is slowly sinking her farther and in the black hole. She wants to escape, but doesn't know how. She doesn't want to die, she just wants to be saved. Saved from herself.

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