The Drop | Teen Ink

The Drop

October 31, 2014
By Janequa Rose BRONZE, Aplha, Michigan
Janequa Rose BRONZE, Aplha, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a trip to Michigan Adventures at nine in the morning. Tom, Lelah, John and I all were meeting up with family to enjoy the rides and water park with a huge group of fifteen, I knew today would be a fun and adventurous day.

Having no one in the family that rides roller coasters, I’ve never experienced them. But Tom had other plans for me.

“Come on, you have to ride this one, its fun,” he urged me “guarantee you will like it,” he added as he pointed at the Shivering Timbers.
“No thanks, that thing looks dangerous and scary.” I replied with fear.
“Fine,” he said as they all walked away to get on.
Lelah and I looked at each other. “If you do it, I’ll do it,” we almost said at the same time.
“You should go, it’s a blast and you won’t regret it.” His aunt said.

Lelah and I shrugged as we made the first step to get in line. The hike up there was frightening enough, my stomach turning in butterflies each step. I have motion sickness so I was hoping that I wouldn’t get sick and puke but I would never know unless I tried. That would have been quite embarrassing. I had no idea what I was getting into but I wanted to see what was so great about roller coasters.

“Look who decided to come?” Tom teased. He put his arms around me when I started repeating “I hate you, why am I doing this? I’m terrified, I’m going to puke.“
“I love you too” he said sarcastically “You’re doing it because its fun, and you’re not going to puke, I promise you’ll love it.” He replied confidently.
I sat down next to Tom and buckled myself in like a seatbelt. A girl came around and locked us in. I held out my right hand and Toms fingers entwined with it.
John and Lelah sat behind us with Mel and Don, which made us the third cart from the back.
“You’re making me sit this far back?!?” I said to Tom as I was interrupted.
“Please keep your hands inside the cart at all times and I hope you enjoy the ride.” The button was pushed, and the roller coaster started gliding as slow as a turtle.
“Did you know that I hate you?” I said once more to Tom.
“It’s okay, too late now.” He chuckled.

               Being able to see all of Michigan Adventures, as we crept up the hill I knew I was way too high for my liking. The chains started clicking and boards cracking while gradually pulling us up the enormous hill. I latched Toms hand as soon as we got to the top.

              “Oh my God, we are way too high.” I said to him as he laughed at me.

Swoosh, the cart was dropping and we were launched downhill. My grip on Toms hand tightened as the air pushed against my face like a blow dryer on a humans hand. My breathing got shorter and farther apart and my body flew forward. My blonde hair whipped in the wind and I could only imagine the kind of tangles it would have by the end of the day. My eyes grew larger the farther we went down. As bad as I wanted to scream, it wouldn’t come out because of the shock, so a forced a smile was all I could get out. I was in fear, being unaware of what was next.

Before we knew it we were going back up another steep hill and flying forward again. This time my breathing went a little back to normal and my grip on Tom’s hand still remained a death grip. We hit another five hills and whiplashed around a left turn. Thankfully the hills started to get smaller and we came to a complete stop.

“That was awesome, let’s go again.” I stated to Tom.

“I told you, it wasn’t that bad, was it?” He asked.
“What do you think?” John and his family asked me at once.
“It was awesome, I want to ride it again before we leave.” I replied.
Lelah on the other hand was horrified.
“I hated that that was so scary. I can’t believe you talked me into it.” Lelah blamed on me.
“What?” We laughed.

We all scanned the pictures token on the first hill. I was smiling from ear to ear and Tom was laughing. Lelah on the other hand looked like someone just attempted to kill her and John was laughing also.

It was so much fun, and we went to the water park right after. It was such a great experience. I don’t know if I will ride the big ones at cedar point but the Michigan Adventure ones were pretty cool including the corkscrew.

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