My First Deer | Teen Ink

My First Deer

October 30, 2014
By SarahCarter BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
SarahCarter BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A memorable time I've had was the first deer I shot. It was one of my first times hunting I was so excited. I was about 12 years old and i was with my dad. We live on a big property in davisburg, so we hunt in my backyard. It was about 5:00 and I started getting dressed in my hunting clothes. I got my camo hoodie and car-heart, my camo sweatpants and put my black boots on, and we start heading out to the blind in my backyard. It was pretty chilly, little bit of wind but i didn't notice because my adrenalin was going, all I could think about was is tonight going to be the night? It was nerve racking. We get to the blind climb up the ladder, dad pulls the crossbow strings back and puts the arrow in and sets it on my lap. We sat there for a little while, after about a half hour I hear sticks breaking and leaves crunching outside the small rectangle window. I couldn't see anything but I could hear it. So I whisper to my dad “I hear something out there check in the binoculars!” He looked around but didn't see anything. A few minutes later I hear it again and I tell him to check again and sure enough there's a little spike out there crunching on some carrots and licking up little pebbles of the corn he could find. Not a worry in the world thinking hes just getting a free meal, little did he know it was about to be his last dinner. I got so excited when my dad told me it was a buck I could feel my heart beating so fast but at the same time slow and hard, I was literally shaking trying to look out the window at him without him noticing me. So I slowly lifted the crossbow up onto the ledge of the window and went up his leg slowly and over to his heart and lungs area. My dad was whispering in my ear telling me “nice and easy take a deep breath and pull the trigger.” I was sweating bullets trying to aim without my heavy breathing moving the bow up and down and not mess up. Finally I took a nice deep breath and slowly pulled the trigger. It felt like it was all in slow motion, or like an out of body experience as if I was watching myself, like a dream.The feeling I got after I shot was one of the most amazing feelings in the world. I just sat there for a minute thinking wow I really just shot my first deer. It was so unreal. My dad watched it run in a hopping motion over to some pine trees and lay down under them. He was so proud and happy of me. By then it was getting dark and we called my family and told them the news and they all came over to help track it. We waited for about a half hour in the blind to give him time to die. We went inside and got flashlights and gloves and knifes to gut it. When my grandpa and uncle got there we all started walking out and they let me take the lead since it was my deer. So I found some blood and starting following the little droplets of it. The further I got the more and more blood there was. Soon it was just pouring out of him and I looked up and there he was laying under a big pine tree. They made me gut it, so I got my gloves on and took the knife and started cutting. It smelt like all the bad smells in the world mixed together so I just held my breath and kept going as they told me what to do. After gutting it I got beside it and took a picture. I looked like the happiest person you'd ever see. He didn't look all that big but let me tell you that thing was real heavy so I helped drag it for like 2 minutes and then let my uncle take over. We hung in the the big tree in the back of my house to let all the blood drain out. For the next few weeks everyone called me ‘the deer-slayer’ and gave my sisters crap about how they haven't got anything yet. Its weird how I can remember every detail about that night and all the things that were said and done. One of the best days of my life.

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