NO One Controls Everything | Teen Ink

NO One Controls Everything

October 30, 2014
By The_Bear BRONZE, Lancaster, New York
The_Bear BRONZE, Lancaster, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was young I used to think I had control over everything.It was the same with my my first dog Jeinkins before he passed away. I now realize that is not true because nobody has control over everything. All they can do is make the best of what they have through their actions.

I used to think I had control over everything. That included my do Jeinkins. Jeinkins was five years older than i was so i never knew him as a puppy. Because he was older than me i couldn’t remember him until he was old. I do however remember chasing him around the yard, playing fetch, and feeding him food from the dinner table. As i got older i had more energy to play with him but he had less energy to play with me. I was ten years old when it happened.

I came home from school one day to see my dad’s car in the driveway. I walked in the front door dropped off my backpack and proceeded into the kitchen I walked in to see my parents crying. “What’s wrong i asked?” My mom looked at me through teary eyes and said. Jeinkins passed away last night.” It felt like the world had come crashing down on my shoulders as i sank to my knees and wept into my hands.

The next few days seemed to crawl by. I would look around for my best friend then remember what had happened and begin to cry. I would wake up and look over at his bed and remember. It was when this happened that i realized nobody controls everything all they can do is make the most of what they have through their actions.

So as you can see no matter what you believe or how hard you try no one can control everything however they can make the most of what they through their actions.

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