An Unforgettable Christmas | Teen Ink

An Unforgettable Christmas

October 27, 2014
By agomezr2 BRONZE, Miami, Other
agomezr2 BRONZE, Miami, Other
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It was April 2007, a black, cloudy day. I was waiting on my mom to tell me something of my great-grandmother (she was in the hospital) I was sitting, watching that big, old TV on the big, brown, couch thinking is she going to make it? or is she is not going to make it? A few thoughtful minutes later my Mom came in the room and she sadly said, “She passed away.”

I turned off the TV and went to my room and fell to my big, hard bed. About an hour later my parents came in and they why she died and that everyone in the world is going to have to die at one point at their life. I was astonished about what my parents had just told me until I had a new question in my mind, who and what will I do every first sunday of the month party when she is gone? If you didn’t know that every christmas eve we had parties and the first sundays of every month. I walked towards my parents room, I saw the typical, tall door frame Where will I go every first sunday of every month when the party host is dead? Well until now-a-days I still remember the parties being really fun with contests and carnival-like games and I still miss them today.

I went to visit my great-grandfather’s big, old, mysterious house. I told my great-grandfather that I missed her so much and what will i do all the christmas eve. Then he promised me that in christmas eve and on his birthday he will make a party very alike the parties she made, I could tell by his sad, face that he was feeling sorry for me and we both could tell was feeling sorry for him and this would benefit both of us. It was April and his birthday was in March so I had to wait until December 24, I waited and waited and waited months until the 24th of december and finally it was here! I woke up like at 5 o'clock, and I still had to wait until 9 o'clock until the party started, I was really happy that today was the day!, It felt that I waited more until the night than 7 months that I had waited before. At long last I got in the big, gray SUV that my dad owns. We went down the street and I saw the christmas in almost any house or store that we passed by, everything was dark, all I could see was red, green and white. Finally we got there I saw the green, white, red flashing lights that flashed up the night and I knew it was going to be a great night.

When we arrived there were like forty or fifty people and I had to say hi to almost everybody. First off all the kids started playing some carnival to rack up some tickets to buy cool prizes. Then a guy with his crew came and played a cool fun trivia game the winner got some random prize, He elected me for the trivia, I was really lucky because there are like fifty people and he chose four people to come up and play.

The questions were really easy until the top 3 sumo-battle. The first one who falls loses the big, hairy man said, ready he shouted, we all shouted like a choir at the same time YES! He counted down from five to zero We all started to battle, the only problem is that we battled with blindfolds. I ran towards the way I was looking. I ran up to someone and tacked him. You two now we are going to the FINAL BATTLE he said! we tied and both got a medal and some tokens.

It got dark pretty soon so we had to go inside and get ready for dinner, there was steak for dinner. All the 50 people got on the big, rectangular table, we waited until everybody got to the table and prayed for my great-grandmother that she would go to heaven. I really enjoyed that night it had a life changing experience from the sumo-battles to the praying, but there was something missing, my great-grandmother. As I was saying that I really enjoyed the night, I also want to appreciate my great-grandfather for hosting this party just for me to overcome my great-grandmothers death. The acts of kindness that people do for you might change your life so yoy have to start changing people’s lives by that way.

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