Memoir | Teen Ink


October 9, 2014
By Megan Hammar BRONZE, Leroy, Michigan
Megan Hammar BRONZE, Leroy, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was little, I always wanted to touch the skies, Wanted to be above everyone. To finally feel like someone cared about me. For someone to look at me and think that I have a lot of potential, that i’m going to become something great, Or just simply something beyond extraordinary. But everyone want’s that, right? Why can’t people just want the simple things, things you don’t have to go out of your way to get. But the truth is, Simple is boring. So once you find that special someone that flips your whole world inside out and upside down, You will find out yourself that, extraordinary is great.

Take my Uncle Boo for example, he was the extraordinary guy in my life, brought so much  joy and smiles  into my life. My Uncle Boo has affected my life in unimaginable ways, there is nobody that could compare to him, nothing could even come close. One time when it was just me and him, we decided to take my brothers brand new dirt bike for a quick ride. And of course he drove through our main cornfield out of four that actually decided to grow that year. After I yelled a few times we simply just had to laugh. Not because of the terrified look on his face, but because he brought character to everything he touched. He’s like those magical people that can literally make a frown into a smile, Well that’s how I looked at him. There was also that one night when he snuck in my room and went into my closet. So when I went to open it up he jumped out and scared me wearing this ridiculous superman suit, that let me remind you he wore.. alot. To this very day he would say I broke his nose, But that’s also if you could ask him about it… I sure wish i could.

A few years back, Talking to my mom about what i was gonna do for my birthday. The phone rang, and everything was changed forever. I expected to spend my birthday with friends and family having fun, But the truth was.. The one person that i wanted to be there couldn’t. My Uncle Boo took his own life, Leaving family, friends and loved ones in his dust. Which  guess he always did, But this is different.. Now, there’s no going back. No making fun and telling jokes or just sitting there bored. But still having a story to tell. Nothing was boring when he was around. But the point is, There is no going back, this is permanent.. Forever. My Uncle Boo’s death has tore my life apart, but with him gone it showed me how strong I really am. Growing up with him as my role model I now know who I really need to be. He had his own aspect in life, He taught me that if you get hit in the face, the scar wouldn’t stay there forever. But my love for him will.

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