I Wish It Didn't Happen | Teen Ink

I Wish It Didn't Happen

September 30, 2014
By prettygirlAnastasha BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
prettygirlAnastasha BRONZE, Providence, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Something bad always happens to me and this time it wasn't bad, it was horrible.

It was hot and really sunny. My mom and my sister were going to New York. I was at home with my dad, bored as ever. My dad was on the phone with my mom just talking. I went outside for a couple hours with my friend Sara.

When I went my back in the house, every thing felt diffrent. The next few hours my dad got a phone call I was really scared because he looked sad I was asking what was the matter but he wasn't telling me and then he said "it was the cops they said that your mom and sister got in a car accident" I thought he was lying but he wasn't I ran outside and started crying sara ran up to me and said "whats wrong" I said "nothing" I didn't want to tell her because I didnt want everyone to know but she knew something was wrong I ran back in the house right to me bed and stopped crying because I knew everthing would be alright.


Was everthing alright or was something going to be wrong? My dad stormed in to my room. He had bad news, I could see it on his face. He whispered in my ear "your sister passed away." I was so sad I didn't even cry. I wanted to cry but I didnt show it. My dad saw I wanted to cry, so he put me on his lap and iIstarted to cry. My sister was the closest person in my life. I will miss her so much but I knew I would be alright.

The next day my mom came home she had a broken arm and leg bruses every whereand a black eye I thought she wasent going to make it but she did the first thing I asked her was what  my sister said the last time she talked. She said "your sister said she loves you so so so so much and she misses you" i started to cry but one thing that I wish would of happened was instead of her I should of been me.

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