the big day | Teen Ink

the big day

May 29, 2014
By garrett agee GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
garrett agee GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Big Day

Garrett is your typical fifteen year old kid. Even if he wasn’t looked at as one of the so called typical teenagers, they all have one thing in common and that’s getting their license. Garrett turns sixteen next week and enjoys getting lots of presents on his birthday. However, this year is one specific present on Garrett’s mind he wants. Not money, not the newest game system, but a car! His parent’s knew thats what he was going to say. In their eyes, turning sixteen meant you needed to have your license before you can have your own car.

To celebrate his birthday Garrett and the family went out to dinner. After finishing their food, Garrett hopped in the car. He slowly day dreamed out the window on their way home. He imagined complete freedom with his own car. With that insight, he decided on taking drivers ed knowing it would better his chances of passing if he gained some knowledge and pointers. Also, Garrett and his parent’s came to an agreement to sign him up for the after school driving program. On top of that he is learning how to parallel park in class.

It’s the day. The day not only Garrett’s dad let’s him drive his Lexis, but the day of his driver test! His driving instructor winds up being a lady who goes by the name of Tammy, or as most people referred to as miss cranky. The whole time Garrett is taking his test she hardly says a word. Tammy seemed very professional at her job. Staying focused on each and every move Garrett does with the wheel, she jots down his performance turn by turn. Increasingly making Garrett nervous.

What seemed like an eternity is only a little over twenty minutes. As a new driver to the road, Garrett anxiously made his way back to the DMV. Once there, he picked the easiest parking spot that presented itself, put the car in park and took a sigh of relief. At this point Tammy tells Garrett to follow her. Inside she tells Garrett how he did. “You did very well on the parallel parking portion, most people have the toughest time doing it.” After she deducts points for the minor mistakes he made, Tammy informs Garrett he has passed his driving test with a 73. just like that, Garrett walked out the door and I was on the next driver.

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