High School Reflection | Teen Ink

High School Reflection

May 15, 2014
By hannahlexandra BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
hannahlexandra BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First doesn't seem like first when you've got a team behind you. I walk through these doors and as the fear grips me, so does a friendly hand and I am reminded I am not alone. I will not get lost because at every turn there is a guide, a friend, to help me continue on in the right direction.

In a circle of bricks and confinement a tree grows vast beyond limitations and love blossoms between two separate smiles singing sweetly to each other, waiting for the day one of them will sprout wings and fly away with the birds.

But when wings get clipped, dreams grow bigger and jumping isn't flying anymore, it's falling. And falling with no one to catch you is the scariest thing of all.

There is nothing more calming than walking into a room where you know you belong; where everyone calls your name and coats you in hugs; a place you are appreciated. Somewhere your heart can be unleashed; where sounds move like pictures on the walls and friendship reverberates from heart to heart.

And there are many hearts roaming around these picnic tables today, and there will be tomorrow, and the next day after that. We are all like strangers in an airport, each with a different destination in mind. Some will group together, they might even bond over a shared taste in the beauty of humanity and the honest to God value of hard work. But others will distance, get on different planes and go. They say if you love something, you should let it go. But I'm not sure I am ready quite yet.

The author's comments:
This is a simple reflection of my high school experience as of now

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