The Worst Birthday | Teen Ink

The Worst Birthday

April 21, 2014
By kaylees BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
kaylees BRONZE, Kalispell, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The worst birthday present in the history of birthday presents. My biological dad wasn’t always around he wasn’t a very good dad either to begin with. He wasn’t really even a dad so I’m not sure what to call him. My other half maybe or the other part that made me I guess. He never sent me anything for my birthday, Christmas or any of those holidays. I didn’t think much about it because I was so young, but being seventeen and actually thinking about things it kind of gets to you. When I was eight on Christmas he finally sent me a gift not that it mattered much, but he had been talking to my mom and that next summer I went to visit him and his parents. It was a fun experience and it made me feel like he would possibly be around more. Well that didn’t happen. He didn’t talk to me much after that visit. I didn’t think anything of it. On my birthday the year after I went to visit him, I was turning ten and my mom, little sister, step dad and aunt all met me at my grandma’s house. It was tiny but cute. Purple and white walls in the kitchen, but the rest of the walls in the house were tan, kind of an odd combination of colors. The floor was a little slanted in but it didn’t have a big effect on anything. We were all in the kitchen when I called him.

There was this black pony that I really wanted and he was only four hundred dollars, my mom said if my dad went in on half of the pony she would pay for everything else I needed for him. So I called my dad and asked him for two hundred dollars for this pony and all he said was “im not giving you any money your mom can do it all. Don’t contact me anymore, you’re not my kid, you’re not a boy”. He said it so loud that everyone could hear it. My mom took the phone from me and they started fighting but I don’t even remember what was said. I honestly don’t know if I even cried or anything like that. I think I kind of just zoned out because all I really remember after talking to him n hearing what he had to say is look at my grandmas purple and white walls in that kitchen. When he told me he didn’t want me even though seven years have passed and I haven’t spoken to him sense I still just don’t understand why he didn’t want me, he has a son and a step daughter, but yet he can’t claim me as his own. I blamed my mom for a while because all I ever heard were stories about how he wanted to marry her but she wasn’t ready, so I thought her not marring him was the reason he wanted nothing to do with me.

I realize now it’s not my mom’s fault at all, and everything happens for a reason, if my mom would have married him I don’t know where I’d be right now all I know is that nothing in my life would have turned out as great as it has now. Even though it all hurt really bad in the beginning and it was all confusing, it turned out amazing in the end, and that’s all that matters.

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