My life | Teen Ink

My life

April 4, 2014
By Anonymous

The time i went to Mexico was because my grandpa got really sick, I went while school was going on. i went and stayed for two weeks this hapened last year. Everything happened so fast and i did not have time to spend qwith him because the whole time he was in the hospital. My whole family went except my dad and older brother. My family had to make some sacrifices, even if it meant that they had to give up the dream of bein in the United States.

When i left to Mexico i left in the middle of the football season. My grandpa had a stroke and a brain leak on his left side, which affected his right side of the body. This was a tough time for me because my grandpa and I were really close, he had rasied me sence i was a baby and till the day that he passed he kept teaxching me and passing his knowledge to me. I was debestated when i walked into the hospital and saw that the man that rasied me couldnt talk, or walk. What really hurt the most was that he couldnt see me that well and i had to leave the room so that i could control my self.

My brother and dad had just started working in their new jobs, so they could not join us on this trip. My aunt had to make the biggest scrafies to go see her dad one last time that was leaving the United States even if it meant never coming back to have the same opputunies for her kids. My uncle was in the same situation but he was not whilling to make the same sacrifices as anyone else because he didnt care as much as he said that he did. All he cared about was the will and the money that my grandpa was going to leave behind.

when i went to Mexico i got to spend two weeks but htye assed by so fast and i tried to slow down the time so i can spend time with him. I only had to weeks to spend with himm because i had court and if i did not show i would get sent to jail for five to six years in a lock down facility. I tried to stay there because i was the only one that he would listen to. My grandpa would not listen to doctors, my mom, or my grandma. But when i showed up he would do as i said becasue he knew that if i told him to do something that itll be for the best. When we got back home we got a call that he had passed away. This time i could not go to see him one laast time.

The author's comments:
my loss and expiriance of lossing someone that meant so much to one.

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