Me vs. Highschool | Teen Ink

Me vs. Highschool

January 21, 2014
By Jordan_Joseph BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Jordan_Joseph BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

High school has never been too easy for me, According to Urban Dictionary it’s the place where the stress of growing up and the stress of fitting in, join forces to destroy even the strongest among us. (Their Website) They also believe The place where you are supposed to feel accepted no matter how you act, dress, or what clubs or sports you are into. But instead people you don't know make fun of you. Its like prison its a place where there is a leader of a gang aka the popular people who act like they’re perfect and great but its prison they’re really dead inside. And I couldn’t agree more The battle wounds of High School last long after graduation day.

I hear my parents talk about how great high school was for them and how it will be the times of my life. I never felt that way my sophomore year. Yes I was on the cheer team and it seemed like I was the happiest girl on earth always smiling and talking but that was all just an act. In reality I was forced to try and fit in and not get noticed in order to not get harassed or sub tweeted about on social media. If I even acted a little different I got looked at like I should belong in a mental hospital. I hated the way I was being treated and that one group of girls constantly made fun of me so I took a stand, believe it or not against my own friends. In high school you want your friends to be the ones who always have your back and are there for you no matter what but I got constantly harassed by mine from name calling to straight up bullying I was close to my breaking point, there were days I didn’t want to get out of bed and face the judgmental eyes of my so called friends and I was done. I voiced my opinion about this, I quickly became outcast, looked down upon by them who disagree but they are the ones that made me feel small so of course they cut me out.
“You are a self-centered, attention craving lier,” they would call me when i tried to confront them in person about this, but then they would call me a wimp for hiding behind my phone and texting them.
I finally texted one of them the one I thought was my best friend
“I hated the way you treated me today honestly did you just invite me to ignore me?”
“Well you were in the wrong for all the things you did and you deserved to get ignored. I honestly just wanted to tell you to go home”

I was crushed. I felt alone and I knew, I was alone and they wouldn’t even care.
They are the ones having the best time in high school by making others feel like they shouldn’t even be walking in the same hallway as them. I felt alone like I was in a bubble and no one could hear or see me. I saw them in the hallway and I got the look like I should be six feet under. They are the ones who don't have a care in the world in high school because they know they won't get made fun of. They won't worry about going to school every morning worrying about if they wore the wrong thing or if they are going to get made fun of in class because of the way they talk, or if they actually answer a question. Those are the people that are having the time of their lives. Well I was fighting to not end mine.

Most of my sophomore year I didn't spend trying to better myself in my school work and avoiding my bullies and problems like I should of done but trying to find people who I may call friends and who aren't jerks, trying to date people of the male gene unsuccessfully, straightening my long blonde curly hair, caking on my make-up, buying high end way too expensive clothes in the effort that someone would notice me. I started to question everything about myself if I was ever even going to be noticed by anyone or if you are stuck in the dark. I felt like when I walk across the stage to get that little freedom pass from the black hole of high school called a diploma people will ask “have they always been in our grade,” or “are they new,” when I have been going to school since kindergarten like everyone else but I guess just wasn’t wearing the right things or talking to the right kind of people. I was a reject. Someone people only hung out with to make themselves look good.

My sophomore year taught me not to live in the fear of others expectations, be my own person and do things I want to do. Not worry about who is looking at me or who is making fun of me because it doesn’t matter because no matter how hard you try to please others you will never be satisfied until you please yourself.

High school is like the hunger games...the weak get eliminated. Who will you be?

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 9 2014 at 10:04 pm
Joshua Smith BRONZE, Clarskton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Great story! Very powerful!