Pine Tree | Teen Ink

Pine Tree

January 21, 2014
By caseyn BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
caseyn BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The Pine Tree Kingdom”

A breeze went by carrying the smell of the lake across the street. The smell was a
bouquet of the freshwater, being carried up the grassy hills through the wineberries, then
blasted with strong pine. It was a sunny day and I was in my throne at the top of my tree
kingdom next to my queen. A girl named Marisa who I had a huge crush on.

As I sat on my throne, a few branches that could be used as a chair, I called down
orders to my friends as we prepared to take on the enemy
kingdom, on this day it was the Persians.

"Ready the catapults!" I called as I brushed a branch aside to view the imaginary
enemies. My warriors grabbed a pinecone and prepared to throw. I continued to watch with wise
patient eyes, as the army grew nearer I slowly and firmly said.
"Steady... STEADY..." I threw my pine cone and yelled "FIRE!" They followed their command
with the obedience expected of a kings loyal army.

"Knights away!" I commanded and my knight, the younger brother of my crush, rushed
down and grabbed his plastic sword and ran out swinging at imaginary foes, soon I ordered my
sister down and they fought back to back, stabbing and slicing their enemies down.

"As king I am needed in the battlefield, the strongest shall prevail!" I grabbed my queens
hand and kissed it before climbing down grabbing my sword and joining them, she took over
giving orders shouting random areas from which we were being attacked. I would charge to
where she yelled and start hacking at the tall grass and sometimes the wine berry bushes.

The wineberries red juices left what could substitute as blood on out blades of weightless
dull plastic. As our enemies crumbled under the mighty force of my armies we grunted and gave
our best battle cries. Eventually the queen celebrates,

“The battle is ours, the kingdom remains, come back to me my king.”
We all return to the tree, stabbing our plastic swords into the soft soil and going to the table, a
small blanket in the grass with sandwiches in baggys.

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