My Dog | Teen Ink

My Dog

January 21, 2014
By ColeT. BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
ColeT. BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A horde of puppies who look oh so cute are running after me. I look into all of their eyes they look at me as if saying “ Take me with you i hate it here.” As i look around while being nipped my eyes meet him. He is the one i wanted the lazy one that is just lying there underneath the white fold out chair. I walk over to him and all he does is just stay the same not even giving me the light of day. The thought came straight to my head i want this dog to be mine. I want the dog that stands out. That is why i made the lazy dog my dog.
It has been one month since i made that cute lazy dog mine. I wanted to bring him home the day i saw him but apparently he wasn’t old enough yet,or so i had been told. To my surprise the lazy dog wasn’t so lazy anymore he was actually one of the most hyper dogs ever!, but i loved him all the same.When it came to picking him up he was just fine with me doing that only with a little struggle here and there trying to get comfortable. When he saw we were getting in a car he started freaking out. on the entire ride home he was ducking in between the seat and my back screaming at the top of his lungs. All i could think of on the ride home was i want this to be over because he is hurting my ears so bad.Not that having a headache helped that situation. That was the first day i bought my dog home.
Lets fast forward to when the puppy is six months old. I come home from school like every other day and I expect it now. My puppy jumps and he weighs more than I do and when he jumps he is right at face level with you. First as you would walk forward he would go down in to a stance like a lion that is about to pounce on his prey. The next step as you see him jumping you see his fur coming at you and you know you are helpless as he gets his paws around you.When he got you on the ground all you could smell is his wet stinky fur and his horrible breath that no mint could fix. After all that is over and he lets you up he sees if you want to try to take him to the ground and if you jump he would jump right back. Even if u could beat him you would let him win so he would feel so good about himself
About one more month as it is getting really cold out side the stinky dog is let out by me so we can play in the snow. Instead of doing his usual pounce he stopped ears alert looking to the cornfield. Two dogs come over the hill and they come to play with us. we all had a great time they were really nice dogs. When it came time for them to leave they left. My dog started to follow as he went over the hill i dropped to my hands and knees. I try to yell out to him, but all that happens are tears running down my face and snot running out of my nose.But then something jumped on me that made me smile even though his gross moth liked my face. it was my dog and I couldn’t have been happier he picked me over those stray dogs.
Then summer came my favorite time of the year where I just get to be lazy and hang out with my dog Who was now 10 months old. Then my parents dropped a bomb that hit me so hard in the heart i almost started balling. They said that I needed to get rid of the dog I loved so much because I didn’t have enough time in the winter for him. All i could reply is okay because I knew my parents were going to get rid of him no matter what. That night all I could do is think about what I could of done what I did wrong. From that day on I kept running home from the bus spending as much time as possible with my dog. I didn’t even know that my parents were getting rid of him so soon on day after summer school I ran down like I did every day to let out my dog. And suddenly he was gone just like that my dog was out of my life. He moved down to Rockton to live with a guy on a farm. That was the day I realized that I had to love every moment of life and treat it like it was my last. I only saw my dog one more time after that only for a moment, but that was all i needed. It was when me and my dad went canoeing and then I never saw my dog again.

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