State championship | Teen Ink

State championship

January 21, 2014
By plannon25 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
plannon25 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We are finally here, just hours before our last game of the season, making it to the state championship for football was amazing and getting to go play on ford field sounded awesome because not everyone get the opportunity to compete in a state championship or play on ford field, we are only minutes away from the field. The bus is dead silent everyone is listening to music and getting in their zone ready to win the state championship.

The anticipation was killing everyone, we just wanted to get on the field. Just the thought of being there was insane, to play in the d1 state championship for football was awesome. This day, this moment was the moment that we practice hard all pre season for all the grinding, the sweating, the injuries and mental and physical breakdown is what got us to this spot in our season.

Walking in through the tunnel, posters everywhere, people talking, teammates feeling humbleness and stressed out for our last challenge of our season, and for our seniors, some of them the last challenge to face for the rest of their life in highschool, the humidity of the stadium was just so different than the atmosphere of playing outside in the cold or the rain, now we are indoors and the playing environment is so different but we got used to in while practicing indoors.

Once the wait was over we got suited up, everyone was ready for this, i looked over to jordan and said “Are you ready?”

“Yes i cannot wait this is so amazing!.” he replied.
We got the ok to go out onto the field we all started walking out in a line the dark black tunnel with a light at the end was getting bigger and bigger the closer we got, the click clack of our cleats hitting the concrete floor the long dark tunnel and the bright light at the end , few hundred steps about and we see the field, the green turf and the crowd and everything else is just so overwhelming, every single person had the same view looking out of our navy blue facemask, then it all the sudden got so quiet you could hear your heartbeat then we started walking forward and the crowd was screaming and we started running towards the other side of the field to warm up, with every step the rubber tar mixed in with the turf was swishing around you couldn't even hear yourself in your own head it was so loud and violent , that gave us an extra boost with the crowd favoring us. Then kickoff started and after one whole quarter of battling hard and our big men battling in the trenchers the game was in our favor so far.

Then the second quarter started and we got up pretty quick on them but they were not giving up yet everyone on both teams fought hard the whole season to get to this final point and no one ever would want to lose this. Halftime eventually comes were up in the game by a oddest amount the favor is in our hands and the state championship is just in reach. the game had 1:24 seconds left, we get the ball back and kill the time off the clock the state championship is ours, all the yelling screaming, tears of happiness, clarkston football has finally won a state championship, everyone in our community is so proud, we rush the field throwing our helmets in celebration, everyone is in the middle of the field yelling chanting clarkston football are all jumping up and down the stadium is so loud you could hear us from miles away, everyone on my team is so excited, we made history for clarkston football and we did it as a great team that works together. We all like up and they give the awards out to Catholic Central , then they announce the d1 state champions, Clarkston High School.

The author's comments:
This is when my team made it to the state championship.

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